Chapter 8

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     "So did you manage to talk to him?" Yang Zi asked startling Zhan.

     Zhan turned to see Yang Zi standing behind him. Slightly annoyed since he thought he would be able to get some privacy out here, he crossed his arms in front of him. "Talk to who?" he replied.

     Yang Zi smiled, but didn't answer his question directly. "You know, when I watched parts of, The Untamed, and saw some of the behind the scene footage, I was amazed how good you were," she paused and looked at him thoughtfully. "How good both of you were."

     Zhan furrowed his brows and leaned back to sit on a ledge of a planter while Yang Zi moved to stand by the wall of the rooftop and looked out over the city. He sat quietly, confused and concerned as to where she was going with this.

     "At first I thought wow, the PR surrounding your show was doing an amazing job making it look like there was more between you than friendship. I followed some of the footage of your fan meetings and realized they had made the world turn into BJYX shippers. Being the great actors that you are, you both convinced us that the feelings of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were present in Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan, and you were your characters," she said expressing her admiration. Yang Zi turned her head to look at Zhan, studying how his sharp features still stood out in the dim lighting and how his face radiated such innocence it made him look younger than his years.

     "Then I started working with you," she continued. "And like the business always does, they push us together in every opportunity that they can to promote the success of the show."

     Xiao Zhan smiled and nodded. Yes, that was exactly what they had been doing lately with him and Yang Zi. He couldn't even be sure someone wasn't secretly taking pictures from afar right now.

    She laughed to herself at how Zhan had somehow adopted Wang Yibo's quietness. "However, I noticed the difference in your eyes when you look at him and when you look at me during our events. Then I realized..." she paused to look him in the eyes, "your feelings for Wang Yibo are real."

     She stopped Zhan from speaking when he stood up and raised his hands, palms facing outwards, towards her like he was about to dispute what she said or to explain himself. "You don't need to say anything Xiao Zhan, I just wanted to let you know that I totally ship you and Wang Yibo," she said with a big grin.

     Zhan stared at her wide-eyed. "Y-you ship us?" he stammered. "Me and Wang Yibo?"

     Yang Zi laughed sweetly. "Yes, is that so hard to believe? Don't worry I won't say anything to anyone. Although I want to know if it was because of him that you look so sad these days."

     Zhan put his hands in his pockets and turned to look out to the city letting out a big sigh. "It's been a very long week," he lamented.

     "You must know that he cares for you? I can see it in every video where you two are together. Has he not told you how he feels?" Yang Zi asked.

     He stayed quiet for a moment unsure if he could trust Yang Zi. She seemed sincere in all she was saying and truthfully not being able to share his true feelings was killing him inside. In the end, Zhan gave into his loneliness and shook his head. "No, I don't know how he feels," he said sadly.

     "Well lets find out," Yang Zi chimed brightly. "Let me help you."

     "Uhhh help me? Help me, how?" Zhan chuckled nervously.

     Yang Zi tilted her head and smiled cutely. "By making him jealous of course! Let's see if we can elicit a reaction from the most stoic man in our business," Yang Zi giggled.

     "I don't think that's a good idea," Zhan said shaking his head and backing away when Yang Zi grabbed his wrist.

     "Trust me Xiao Zhan! I know what I'm doing," she stated as she dragged him towards her and pulled out her phone. "Or do you want to keep going this way and never knowing?"

     No, he didn't want to keep feeling like he was standing upon a precipice with unsteady footing and about to fall off. Zhan sighed, and like all other times when it came to Yibo, he gave into his lack of better judgment. "Okay what do you want me to do?" he asked.

     She squealed in excitement. "Easy! Pose for some selfies with me."

     Yang Zi leaned in close to him and took some shots. "That's not enough," she exclaimed. "Now pretend to kiss me on the cheek."

     "No, no, I can't do that," Zhan said backing away.

     "Of course you can, you're an actor – just do it!" she bellowed at him.

     Zhan frowned slightly but then leaned over and placed his lips on her cheek.

    "Perfect!" she exclaimed. "I'll post them tomorrow since it's really late now. I bet he'll call you right away when he sees them."

     Zhan still felt a bit uneasy about it all, but he was curious what Yibo's reaction would be and if he would call him after seeing the pictures.  

A/N  Yeah I want to know how Yibo is going to react as well (-‸ლ) 

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A/N  Yeah I want to know how Yibo is going to react as well (-‸ლ) 

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