Chapter 11

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Without waiting for an answer, Yibo slid his hand underneath the pillow onto the large bulge in Zhan's pants causing Zhan to gasp.  Yibo watched Zhan's expression as he began stroking Zhan up and down - the pillow tossed aside and forgotten. When Zhan moaned and bit his bottom lip, Yibo leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss.

Not breaking from the kiss, Zhan pushed Yibo back against the couch, crawled across his lap and straddled him.  He immediately began to rub himself seductively against Yibo's massive erection. 

"Oh fuck," Yibo moaned. "Zhan ge, you're going to make me come like that."

Zhan smirked and continued to move his hips, grinding harder for more friction making Yibo moan even louder.

Yibo slid one of his hands from Zhan's waist down to cup his ass.  "Ahh Zhan, I'm so close."

Both were panting and moaning, fingers digging into each other, leaving visible marks, - seconds felt like an eternity as they chased their goal. Breathing in each other's desire, they rode the wave to their first ever climax together.  

Zhan placed his forhead on Yibo's while they both tried to catch their breath. Both of them amazed that it had taken so little and how they had come so quickly.  Still, there was definitely an undeniable heat between them that could not be so easily quenched.

"My bedroom?" Yibo breathed out huskily.

Zhan gave him a crooked smile and nodded, happy and slightly turned on that Yibo wasn't completely sated yet.  Okay, maybe more that just slightly, thought Zhan as he could still feel Yibo's hand squeezing his ass. 

He slid off Yibo's lap and stood up pulling Yibo with him and they both ran towards the younger man's room.  Zhan sat down on Yibo's bed first and glanced shyly at him.  Yibo leaned down and pressed a kiss on his lips and whispered, "wait here, don't move."

Yibo ran to the bathroom and cleaned himself up, then grabbed a fresh towel and wet it with some warm water.  He decided to leave the button of his jeans undone, he figured he wouldn't be wearing them much longer anyways, and raced back to his room.  Coming back into the room he saw that Zhan had lay down on his bed. 

Zhan propped himself up on his elbows and looked at Yibo quizzically and was shocked when Yibo reached for the top of his pants with the towel. "Wait, let me do it," Zhan said, when he realized Yibo's intention to clean him up.

Yibo pressed Zhan back down on the bed with a passionate kiss leaving them both breathless. "No, let me," he breathed.   Not removing his eye's away from Zhan's, he moved his hand down and unbuttoned Zhan's pants.  With the warm wet towel he reached under Zhan's boxers and wiped around his hard member.  His unwavering gaze took in the way Zhan's eyes started to cloud over with lust when he moved the warm towel over his hard member and gave it a gentle rub.

"Bo di," Zhan groaned.  Never had he thought cleaning up could be so seductive.  Yibo pressed another kiss onto Zhan's mouth and removed the towel before it got too cold.  He shifted on top of Zhan and rolled his hips against him making Zhan growl in appreciation. 

Zhan tugged at Yibo's shirt and getting the message, Yibo lifted it up and over his head throwing it aside.  Zhan smiled appreciatively at the perfectly toned torso of the man who hovered above him.   He flipped their positions and stared down at Yibo before attacking his lips.  He trailed his lips down to his jawline and started to kiss and suck Yibo's neck.

Yibo tipped his head back, allowing Zhan more access, enjoying the feeling of Zhan's mouth on him.  He wanted to feel more of Zhan's bare skin on him, so he quickly pulled Zhan's shirt up and over his head.  "Flawless," Yibo whispered looking at Zhan.

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