Chapter 17

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     Thankfully, the men's room was empty so he could have a quiet moment to himself. It was almost 9:30 and he wondered if he had stayed long enough to appease the vendors and sponsors. Even with all his prepared excuses, his manager would hear about his early departure and give him endless grief. Plus the media outside would likely make up ridiculous stories about his early exit. He placed his hands on the edge of the counter, hung his head, and cursed himself for being so weak.

     Would this ever get any easier, he wondered. He let out a big sigh, dreading going back out there to see Zhan. How was it that his former lover seemed so unaffected by their breakup, while he was barely keeping it together? Why couldn't he stop looking at him? Why couldn't he stop loving him?

     The door swung open and in strode Xiao Zhan, who seeing Yibo standing at the counter froze. Although he had followed him in here, he hadn't expected to find him standing in front of the vanity with such a fierce expression on his face. He cautiously approached the person that he had been, for the lack of a better word, stalking all night.

     Yibo feigned a look of disinterest and continued to lean against the counter hoping the rapid beating of his heart wouldn't give him away. He refrained from moving as his former lover came to stand beside him – he wouldn't give Zhan that power over him.

     Zhan placed his hand on the counter close to Yibo's wanting to be close to him but not wanting to upset him at the same time. "I know this is not the time or place, so I was wondering if we could find some time to meet later?" he asked, gently.

     Trying to control the yearning and the magnetic pull Zhan had over him, Yibo tried to shut him out by closing his eyes. He groaned inwardly, he could feel the heat from Zhan's body... and his heavenly scent was triggering all sorts of repressed memories. Shit Yibo, he cursed to himself, keep it together.

     "Bo..." Zhan murmured hesitantly. When he didn't get a response, he reached out his pinky and fourth finger and lightly caressed the top of Yibo's knuckles. "Please say something ..."

     Yibo jerked his hand away, grabbed Zhan by his suit jacket and shoved him back against a wall. The misery over the weeks from longing to hear Zhan's voice, and the agony when he went from want to despair could no longer be contained. He glared up at the face that haunted him daily, with an ire that burned an icy blue.

     Caught off guard, Zhan's eye's widened in surprise, suddenly afraid of the anger emanating out of Yibo, although shamefully also excited by it.

     Seeing the fear in Zhan's eyes with underlying waves of lust, Yibo shifted his face closer. "Meet you for what exactly, Zhan?" he breathed, leaning in and licking Zhan's earlobe. He shifted one of his hands down between Zhan's legs and deliberately started stroking Zhan's bulge through his fitted pants.

     "Bo," Zhan moaned, quickly hardening in Yibo's grasp. It had been so long since Yibo had touched him. To say that he hadn't been dying for this moment would be a lie. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, desperately trying not to thrust his hips.

     Yibo continued to stroke in long erotic pulls, knowing just the way Zhan liked to be touched. "Is this what you wanted to meet for Zhan?" he hissed. "Why bother with later, we'll just do it again in a restroom. Just like the other times that didn't mean anything to you."

     Beginning to pant, Zhan opened his eyes and tried to focus his thoughts. He needed Yibo to stop, even though he really wanted him at the moment. But not like this... not with Yibo staring at him with such anger. They needed to talk first. Zhan brought his hand's up to caress Yibo's face, lovingly. "No, baby...please" he said as gently as he could, still writhing under Yibo's touch. "We...we... need to talk."

     The hand that was stroking him stopped suddenly.

     Yibo took a slight step back and then another, his ice-cold gaze thawing slightly. Confused and broken, Yibo wanted nothing more than to fall into Zhan's arms, but longing and anger battled within him, each fighting for dominance. His mind played back sweet memories, remembering all the good times that they had.

     Anger, feeling like it was losing, snuck in a memory of it's own. The one that most devastated Yibo - the words of their last phone conversation. Yibo's eyes froze over and once again the mask of indifference was donned. "I have nothing more to say to you," he said as he straightened his suit jacket. Without another glance, he abandoned Zhan to the overwhelming silence of a shattered relationship.

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