Chapter 22

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     How long had Yibo waited for Zhan to say those words? He placed a hand on the cold window making sure he was grounded in reality.

     "I was going to tell you that night you called," Zhan said, tears still falling, "but then you had to go so abruptly. Then I took that damn selfie... I'm so sorry Bo. It was stupid. I know I shouldn't have done it. I should have just told you that I loved you. I was just scared that you didn't love me back..."

     Zhan was surprised when he was suddenly pulled into a strong embrace.

     "Stop Zhan," Yibo whispered gently into his ear. "Please... stop crying."

     Zhan's eye's widened in disbelief, before smiling through his tears. He put his arms around Yibo and melted into his embrace.

     They stayed like that for a moment until Yibo loosened his hold and placed a hand on the side of Zhan's face wiping away his tears with his thumb. "You okay, now?" he asked nudging the tip of Zhan's nose with his own.

     Zhan nodded, but otherwise stayed still not wanting to ruin this moment, worried that their truce was both fragile and tenuous.

     Their lips were so close that Yibo could feel the whisper of Zhan's breath. As much as he yearned to kiss him, he knew that if he did, he wouldn't be able to stop. He pulled away from Zhan, but took his hand and intertwined their fingers. Like always he felt the tingling in his fingers, travel through his arm and into the depths of his soul. It had been so long since they had held hands – 6 months, 11 days and far too many hours, Yibo sighed.

     Zhan looked down at their hands and smiled sadly. "I guess you need to go?" he asked.

     "Let's sit down for a second," he said, gesturing towards the couch.

     They walked over to the couch and both sat. Yibo placed his phone on the table in front of him and by habit Zhan grabbed a cushion placing it on his lap.

     "That was my manager that just called," Yibo said, "confirming that I really wanted to clear my schedule for the next two days and giving me hell for it."

     "Confirming?" Zhan asked, confused. "When did you ask her to clear your schedule?

     "Right before dinner, when you were in the kitchen," Yibo smirked.

     "But you told me you only had 10 minutes," Zhan said, his heart leapt in realization. "Does that mean you were planning to stay with me all along? You had already forgiven me before dinner?"

     Yibo nodded and just smiled at all of Zhan's questions.

     "I don't understand," Zhan stated, "and how did you know I have the next two days off."

     Yibo reached over and picked up his phone to show Zhan the conversation he had with Li Yen.

WY: The apartment is beautiful Yen. It looks even better with Z in it.

LY: Anyplace would. Also just so you know Z took the next two days off, hoping to spend it with you...

WY: I see...

LY: BTW I left some things in the bedroom for the both of you. You can take me out for dinner next time to thank me.

WY: You got it. I'll make sure to bring Z.

LY: You better.

    "But you were so quiet during dinner," Zhan frowned, "and then when you said you had to leave, I thought..."

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