Chapter 3

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Night had fallen and Yibo was finally alone in his condo.  He plopped himself down on his couch and grabbed his phone.  He had been looking forward to calling Zhan all day.  He wanted to video chat with him, but he knew at this time it wasn't guaranteed that his Zhan ge was alone. 

Xiao Zhan picked up after the fifth ring, clearly indicating that he had most likely not been alone and had to remove himself to answer his call.

"Bo di," Zhan said.  "I was having dinner and had to step out of the dining room.  Have you eaten yet?"

Yibo smiled at the concern in his voice. "Yes, just finished and I'm home now."

"I can't stay out here too long, but I needed to hear your voice.  It's been a really long and difficult day," Zhan sighed.

"What happened today?" Yibo asked.

Zhan was surprised that Yibo hadn't seen the recent gossip about him and Yang Zi yet.  "Listen, Yibo I had a photo session with my costar today and my manager demanded that I take her out for lunch after. You will probably see it on all the gossip pages."

Yibo stayed silent and waited for Zhan to continue.  He knew Zhan was warning him to not get upset with anything he might see and hear, but Yibo wasn't even sure what right he had to be upset.  Wouldn't he have to do the same if he was in Zhan's shoes? Plus what was he to Xiao Zhan anyways?  Boyfriend? Lover? Fuck Buddy?

"I just want you to know, what they say about me and Yang Zi isn't real, okay?" Xiao Zhan said suddenly worried with how silent Yibo had gotten.

"Okay," Yibo answered.

Xiao Zhan furrowed his brow in concern. Was that okay supposed to mean that Yibo understood? Or that he was okay because it didn't matter to him?  "It's been over 3 months since we've seen each other Bo," Zhan said, lowering his voice hoping Yibo could detect the longing in it.

3 months, 8 days, and now 18 hours thought Yibo. "Do you remember when we both feigned a stomach illness and stayed behind in the dorms while everyone went out after filming?"

Xiao Zhan swallowed hard and closed his eyes.  "Yes," he answered.

"I've been thinking about that all day," Yibo whispered.

Xiao Zhan let out a slight groan as he thought back to that night. 

It was the first time Yibo had kissed him after days of flirting with him on set.  In the last few weeks, he realized his heart beat faster every time Yibo stood too close to him or reached out to fix something in his hair.  Yibo must have realized it as well, because that afternoon while they were resting from filming, Yibo had leaned over to him and quietly told him that he was planning on staying at the dorm while the rest of the cast went out after filming, and he was hoping that Zhan would stay back with him.  At first Zhan was surprised, but he nodded his head in agreement flushing slightly from feeling Yibo's breath on his ear.  That wasn't the first surprise he'd receive that day. 

After the cast had left for the evening, Yibo had made dinner for him and Zhan and they talked about Yibo's role on Day Day Up before switching to discussing some of the antics of their Untamed cast members.

"Did you see Yu Bin singing his silly seaweed song, yesterday?" Zhan asked, laughing.

Yibo nodded.  "He has a talent for making you laugh," he said quietly as he stood and started to clear their dishes.

Zhan frowned at Yibo's reaction.  Was Yibo angry with him for some reason, or was this something else?  He quickly stopped Yibo from clearing the dishes.  "You made dinner, let me clean up."

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