Chapter 2

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     Xiao Zhan hummed to himself as he walked down the hall from his hair and makeup session to where the photoshoot would be taking place. He wondered who Yibo was with when he had called him. Likely his manager at this time of day was Zhan's thought. He smirked wondering if Yibo had turned red when he teased him about missing his body. Although he wanted to tease the younger, the truth was that he really did miss him. As for Yibo's body, how could he not miss the perfectly toned and muscled perfection that made his body react with just the mere thought of it? He glanced down as his phone before he entered the room for the photo session and noticed that Yibo had posted something on Weibo. Zhan sighed after reading it... it would be much later that Yibo would be calling him.

    "Xiao Zhan," his manager waved him over as he entered the room. The room had been set up with a white backdrop with a single chair in the middle surrounded by lights and cameras.  Everyone was rushing around checking the lighting and setting up while waiting for all the celebrities to be ready.  

     Zhan winded his way past the lights and cameras over to his manager and awaited instruction. "Now remember this is a promotion for your upcoming series where you are in love with your co-star. You will be asked to pose closely with her."

     Zhan let out a sigh and tilted his head and looked directly at his manager. "I know what my job is. When have I not been professional?"

     His manager nodded in agreement, it had been true that Zhan had conducted himself as was expected during all the filming and in the photo sessions. However he could sense the difference from when Xiao Zhan had been filming, The Untamed, with Wang Yibo. He had seemed more naturally at ease with his co-star and the intimacy flowed easier after the first initial stages of awkwardness. Towards the end of filming, the two main stars had made the whole cast believe that they were indeed in love with each other, like their characters were.

     "After this photo session, I think you should take Yang Zi out for lunch. Let the public see you two together to further increase the media surrounding the series," his manager said.

     Xiao Zhan shook his head. "No, I don't think it is necessary," he said, disagreeing with his manager.

     His manager frowned at him. "Xiao Zhan! I'm not asking you, I'm telling you that you will take her out for lunch."

     Zhan sighed and before he had a chance to issue another rebuttal the creative director called him over. He suppressed his annoyance and put on the most charming smile he could muster and began the long and tedious task that his career demanded of him.  

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