Chapter 20

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     Yibo spent hours at the studio working on choreography and practicing. Dancing was one of the only ways he could keep his mind off of Zhan - sometimes he'd practice with his backup dancers, but most times by himself. Today was one of those days where he was alone, dancing his sorrows away. His phone started ringing and he half hoped that it was Zhan. He had called Yibo everyday after that night, but all of a sudden his calls had stopped. Not that he had answered any of Zhan's calls since the last time they spoke. However, Yibo didn't know if he should be relieved, sad or worried. It looked like Zhan had finally given up on him, Yibo surmised. But that was what he had wanted wasn't it? For Zhan to give up on him? After all, he was the one ignoring all of Zhan's calls.

     He looked at the display to see who was calling. Oh shit, Yibo sighed, crouching down to pick up his phone. He had totally forgotten to get in touch with Li Yen about the apartment. This was probably why she was calling him now. He answered the call and put it on speaker so he could keep dancing while he was talking. "Hey Yen, I'm so sorry I forgot to call you," Yibo said. "About the apartment..."

     "Yes the apartment is all ready for your use." Li Yen chirped. "I had it all furnished to the way you wanted it. One of the rooms is now an art studio and the other is a bedroom with a King Size bed."

     Yibo stopped in mid-move. "Wait. What do you mean you have it all ready?" The last time they had spoken she had said she would get the paperwork ready. When had he signed the paperwork?

     "Yup," she said proudly, "and I think you're really going to like the way it all came together. Cause you know, I do have fabulous taste."

     "Yen! I never signed the papers," Yibo stated.

     "Of course you did," she trilled. "You signed them at our last meeting at your place."

     Yibo ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "When the hell was that? I don't remember signing," he said.  He frowned trying to recall when he had last seen her and then it dawned on him. "Yen, the last time I saw you was when I was drunk at my place. Did you make me sign when I was drunk?"

     "Hmmm, well I guess it's my word against yours... it'll never fly in court," she answered.

     "What the hell, Li Yen?" Yibo said raising his voice. "We broke up! You know I don't need that apartment anymore."

     "Well, you paid for it so you might as well use it," she said, nonchalantly. "Why don't you call up Zhan and show it to him?"

     Unbelievable, Yibo thought, hands on his hips and looking up to the sky. "No! I'm not calling him."

     "Oh well... hmmm, wait, I have an idea! I have this friend, who is like totally into you and likes to paint. Maybe you can hook up with him and the apartment won't go to waste!" she suggested, excitedly.

     "Okay Yen, now you're really beginning to piss me off," Yibo warned.

     "Fine, fine, fine Bo... so touchy these days," she sighed. "Well I guess if you really don't want the apartment, we can put it up for sale. I'll do it on one condition, that you come and see it first. I put so much effort into furnishing and decorating it."

     "I don't think that's a good idea," he said.

     "I won't meet you anywhere else to do the paperwork. We meet at the apartment or you find yourself a new lover to bring there," she declared.

     Yibo cringed at the mention of finding a new lover. How would he ever find anyone to replace Zhan? "Yen," he grumbled, "when did you become such a pain?"

      "Funny, I've been saying that about you for years. Consider this payback for all the things I've done to save your butt," she said teasingly. "C'mon Bo, I'm still your best friend, right?"

     He could never stay mad at Yen for long. Over the years, she had been there for him when nobody else had. "Fine, I have some time in my schedule this weekend. I'll be there Saturday around five."

     Silently, she cheered and did a little dance before answering Yibo. "Great! I'll let security know you're coming and I'll send you the passcode to get into the apartment," she said calmly.

     "Mmhmm," was his only reply before they hung up.

     Li Yen smiled and mixed herself a celebratory cocktail. Everything was going just as she planned, and of course it was, because failure didn't exist in her vocabulary.   Now it was up to Zhan, and she prayed that he would be able to pacify what would likely be a very annoyed Wang Yibo.

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