Chapter 4

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     It was far too early to be waking up, especially after he had fallen asleep so late last night. Xiao Zhan reached for his phone and shut off his alarm. This was all Bo di's fault that he had gone to bed so late. After his phone conversation with him, he had gone back to the dining room to finish dinner. He had an extremely difficult time focusing on what people were saying to him because his mind kept phasing out to images of Yibo and him having sex on the kitchen counter. He then had to figure out how he was going to leave the restaurant as he was sporting a ridiculously huge hard-on under the table. The bill was finally paid and Zhan couldn't wait to get out of there. He grabbed his jacket and held it in front of him as he rushed passed his fans that were lined up outside the restaurant, and jumped into the car. Getting home and into his apartment he decided he needed a cold shower to calm himself down and it had worked until he got himself in bed and decided to look at his phone.

     Yibo had said that he would be practicing his dance routine today for an upcoming show and one of his staff had updated social media with a short clip of him dancing. Zhan's eyes were glued to the screen as he watched Yibo thrusting his hips to the music. Fuck! Zhan bit his knuckles and he watched the clip again. Yibo was sexy on any given day, but when he danced he took his sexiness to the next level. Zhan felt his member begin to twitch as he watched the clip over and over again. He set his phone aside and debated another cold shower, but the image of Yibo's hip movements, while dancing, morphed into an image of Yibo thrusting into him. 

     Zhan groaned as his cock began to throb and knew the only thing he could do was to relieve this pain himself. He slipped his hand down past his drawstring waistband, under his boxers, and palmed his rock hard member. "Yibooo," he moaned as he began stroking himself.

     He imagined Yibo hovering over him with his eye's hooded in lust, abandoned of all thought except for the sole one of pleasuring his lover. Zhan moaned as he thought of how he loved to wrap his legs around Yibo's waist as Yibo pounded into him relentlessly, pushing him to the utmost ecstasy every time he hit that sweet spot.

     "Ahhh fuck me Yibo," Zhan moaned stroking his member harder and faster. He continued to pant and moan Yibo's name as he felt himself getting close to his climax. "Argghh ahhh Bo di!!" Zhan screamed out at last contorting his body forward as he finally came into his own hand. Letting out a sigh, he flopped back down onto his bed, breathing hard.  Coming back down from his high, he reached for a tissue to clean up. Even after releasing he still didn't feel fully satisfied, but he knew the only way to solve that was to actually have Yibo here with him. He sighed again and felt the emptiness to his core. He wished, not for the first time, that they lived in a different country where they could have their relationship out in the open.

     Now he had to get up and face the rest of the day, mind still groggy but full of thoughts of Yibo. He almost started falling back to sleep when his phone started ringing.

     "Hello," Zhan answered sleepily.

     "Morning Zhan ge," Yibo said cheerfully. "Did I wake you?"

     "Mmm morning Bo di," Zhan replied happily. "No I was awake and getting up soon."

     "Did you sleep well?" Yibo asked.

     "No I couldn't fall asleep," Zhan said pouting. "I was feeling restless."

     Yibo smiled imagining Zhan's sleepy face as they were talking. How he wished he was there with Zhan to kiss his sleepiness away and wake him up with a morning quickie. "Why so restless?" Yibo questioned teasingly, knowing full well that their conversation yesterday would have had an effect on Zhan.

     Zhan huffed in annoyance. "You know why! Don't make me say it Bo di," he answered feeling slightly embarrassed.

     "Well next time you're feeling restless at night, you should call me," Yibo replied softly. "Maybe I can help you."

     Zhan flushed and gaped at his phone. "You're shameless Bo di," he finally said.

     Yibo laughed at his comment. "Only for you Zhan," Yibo stated. "Only for you."

     Zhan groaned as he looked at the time. "I have to go Bo di and get ready for the day."

     "Okay Zhan, I called to let you know my schedule is full and I won't be home till really late for the next few days. If I get a moment, I'll try to call you," Yibo said, trying to leave the desperation out of his voice.

     Zhan closed his eyes savoring the sound of Yibo's voice, feeling the emptiness he felt last night returning. It hurt thinking that he wasn't going to be able to talk to Yibo for the next few days, but he didn't want to sound clingy and desperate so he answered as cheerfully as he could, "sure, call me if you can."

     "Okay, bye Zhan ge," Yibo said quietly and he ended the call.

     Zhan held the phone to his chest for a moment longer thinking about all the things he had wanted to say to Yibo. He got out of bed and pushed his melancholy thoughts aside - he needed to start his day and try to focus his mind on all the meetings and events he would have today. He hoped the day would go quickly and that Yibo would find some time to call.

A/N I hope this chapter was okay and not too extreme, because it will likely get naughtier later on.  So if you hated it, you need to stop reading this book. 

I didn't have time to fully edit, so I might come back and rework some things later - maybe not, depending on how busy I get.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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