Chapter 10: Denial and Rage

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Chapter 10: Denial and Rage

What did I feel at that moment?


They couldn't be. I saw her. I saw Cheri just a couple of hours ago. She and Gohan... they've become so strong.

I shook my head furiously. "No." My eyes shut and the tears spilled from them. "They're not." I tried so hard to stop sobbing but couldn't.

Trunks' pain over mine was visible. He tried to be stern, but his voice was shaky. "I don't want to believe it either." His hand slowly and softly stroked the back of my head.

My head shook furiously again. "They can't be. This can't happen. They're so strong. So young." Trunks had nothing to say.

By now, my eyes, nose, and cheeks burned beyond words. A rivers of tears streamed down my colorblind eyes.

I couldn't handle this. I shook out of Trunks' grip and jumped out the window onto the roof and then onto the ground. My bare feet slammed against the ground and I sprinted away. I heard Trunks call my name but everything in the horrid world around me was mute to my ears.

A voice I could only vaguely recognize was audible. Not my sister. Not my aunt. Not Bulma. Not Chi Chi. Not anyone I knew.

Her voice was soothing to my ears. I heard her whisper to me.

"Things will be okay, don't cry. I love you." I felt insane.

I'm hearing voices. I've gone mad. My hands cupped my ears and I screamed. "Stop! Go away!"

"Don't be scared. You're strong, Hope."

My mind raced. I couldn't believe was was happening. It wasn't happening. They had to be alive. Somewhere. Trunks had to have made an error. This couldn't be.

"You can bring an end to the world's suffering."

I felt as if I had not lost one sense, my sight, but all of them. My body was numb. The only thing I could feel is a sorrowful feeling deep within.

I ran for what seemed like seconds until I gained a feeling under my feet of wet grass. I slowed down a bit. My senses slowly came crawling back to me. I could here Trunks chasing at me from behind. Now I can hear his words.

"...Hope... alright, we'll be alright." His voice was becoming audible. I felt his hand grip mine lightly and I stopped in my tracks. My body turned and faced him. "I know you're grieving but you can't run off like that. You can't run from the truth." There was only a light drizzle.

"How? How could this have happened." I sniveled.

I felt a wave of remorse come over him as he responded. "They fought them. They tricked me into thinking I was going to join them but then knocked me out." I didn't see anything but stared his way.

I didn't know what to say exactly. "I'm sorry."

"It was horrible. I wish I could've fought them. I wish there was something I could've done to prevent this."

I couldn't help but feel a sudden rage fill up within me and push away my negation.

"Why? Why did they do that? They said you were strong! Cheri told me you were on the brink of achieving the super saiyan!" I backed away. My fists were clenched and my fingernails sunk into my skin. Tears of outrage overflowed.

"How could they leave us like this?!" My throat had the urge to scream. "How...could those... damn androids...." Warm blood began to bleed from my palms. My body began to tremble and quake. "How could so... merciless."

"They're androids, Hope. They live to make our world a living hell. Killing is amusing to them! Each life being no more than a point in their game!"

Everything began to become mute except for his words ringing in my ears.

"They wouldn't pause to think about killing the children! Think of your friend, Burey. They killed that 9 year-old girl! Remorseless!"

Burey. The friend I lost almost five years ago because of them.

I couldn't handle this pain anymore. Bile filled up my throat. My muscles were pulled tight and quaked with my rage. An agonized scream escaped my lips.

This hurts. This pain. This torment. I can't live like this anymore.

"That's it, Hope." I heard Trunks yell. "They murdered too many people. The androids gain satisfaction from the cries of others. They enjoy this suffering. They love death."

My scream felt endless powerful. It felt like all of my pain was being drained out and left nothing but awful scars. The hair at the back of my neck lifted.

My heart was beating quicker than it ever had, it burned into numbness.

The final tears squeezed through my eyes and I felt like this aura of electricity surrounded me, separating me from the universe. The electric pulse through my veins felt like lightning.

My breathing soon evened out, my senses returning. The blurry figure in front of my was clearing up. I could see my best friend standing in what seemed like awe. A smile crept onto his face.

I gasped, realizing my sudden new power.

I am a super saiyan.


A/N- Don't forget to vote and add to your reading list if u enjoy! Also give me comments, questions, and concerns because I'd love to hear them and give any clarifications. <3

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