The Universe 101; cont'd 3

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Chp. 3: Lost Souls

"If you don't bother then, why you responding then?/ Careful where you plant them seeds, before you water them/ Say you empower women, ay/ But don't acknowledge them..."

I sat at the kitchen table, attemptin' to finish my homework before Hope and Matthew—my five and eight-year-old cousins—made it to the house. I don't know why but they must think I'm they personal tutor for some damn reason. They don't even ask Aunt Tammy and Uncle Johnny for help with their homework no more. Like, the fuck is that? I don't be fuckin' with my own homework but here they come with they worksheets and shit.

Fuck, bro! I really don't feel like doin' this paper, either. I don't even know why I'm actually doin' it. I should've passed this shit on to Nia or Que. They always got my back with the grades. If it was up to me, I'd be droppin' out of school. I ain't got nothin' to prove, I know I'm start. I don't need no fuckin' diploma to validate that shit. Yeah, my mama would probably be pissed and disappointed but it is what the fuck it is... and whatever it ain't... Oops!

Anyway, I'm maybe halfway through the rough draft of my Social Studies essay. It's about various concepts of gender and sex. I can't front and stunt, this shit is engaging. I'm havin' fun writin' on the subject. I decided to use my friendship with Lil Bit as a way to dissect the topic.

Soon, there was a rattlin' of the lock at the front door before the alarm beeped. The voices of Uncle Johnny and Hope came echoin' through the house. I started gatherin' my shit up 'cause I didn't feel like bein' bothered by Hope.

"Hey, Trevor!" She smiled, skippin' into the kitchen. She slammed her backpack onto the table. "What you doing? Homework? I have homework, too."

"I'm finished with my homework." I lied.

"Oh." Hope sulked.

She looked so sad but fuck that! She ain't catchin' herself no sucker today. I made my way to my bedroom and prepared to refocus on my homework. My phone buzzed then began to ring. I glanced at the phone. I was hopin' the call was from Lil Bit but it wasn't. I hadn't heard from her since that night we talked—last week. And she still hadn't unblocked me from any of her social media... The caller was Nia.

I reluctantly answered, "Yo?"

"Hey, you."

"Hey, shawty. What's up?"

"What are you doing? Busy? I was thinkin' you might come over and we chill or whatever." Yesenia seductively suggested. "I don't like that you're always working."

"Naw, I'm doin' this homework right now." I nonchalantly mentioned.

Yesenia let out a big laugh, "Oh My God! Who's homework are you doing? What teacher got you trippin'?"

"Shut yo' ass up! You think you so damn funny." I frowned.

Yesenia didn't reply, only giggled.

"Maybe we can hang out tomorrow." I thought.

"But you work tomorrow."

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