The Universe 101; cont'd 9

131 8 23

Chp. 9: 24/7

"Lovin' the shit out you/ Fuckin' the shit out you/ For seven days straight/ Now I can't even live without you..."
-Meek Mill

My eyes popped open to Matthew. He was shakin' the hell outta me.

I smacked, "Damn! What, Matt?"

"Mama said don't sleep the whole day away. She said to get up. The turkey's almost done." He informed, admirin' the sneakers in my closet.

"Aight! I'm up!" I sighed, slowly fallin' back into my slumber. "Get out my room!"

"Trevor!" Hope yelled. She was runnin' towards my bedroom. I could hear her steps from down the hallway. "TiTi Rho is here from the airport."

"Hope!" Aunt Tammy fussed. "Get your little behind back in here. Your nanny can go wake up her own baby."

"I was just tryna help!" Hope pouted. She stomped down the hallway, in the opposite direction. "Humph!"

"Thank you, Doodle! Nanny appreciates you, babygirl!" My mom chuckled.

My eyes popped opened again when my mom gently sat next to me. I pulled her down, into the tightest hug. I missed her so much. Just then Storm and Baby came runnin' into my bedroom. I was even more happy and excited to see them.

"Tre!" She squealed. "I can't breathe, boy!"

Baby frantically ran around my bed, barkin'. Storm hopped onto the bed, waggin' her tail. Warm tears came drippin' from my eyes. My mom just doesn't understand how happy it makes me to be able to hug her like this. And then she brought my babies, too! Man!

"I missed you, mama!" I smiled, finally releasin' her.

My mom dried my tears with her fingers, "Since when did you start crying so darn much? My goodness." She teased. "Are you actually missing home this much?"

I sniffled a bit then sat upright in bed. Next, I yawned and yanked Storm's tail. She turned, snappin' at me. After shovin' her, I looked at my mom.

"Why are you still in bed? It's going on noon. I thought Tammy said you had a little girlfriend. Shouldn't you be at her house, working on the first round of food by now?" My mom asked with furrowed eyebrows.

I laughed. But the truth was, sleep had slowly become my new best friend. If I wasn't at school or at work or eatin', smokin' or fuckin'... I was sleepin'. I had learned that while asleep, I didn't have to face certain mishaps and realities. Yet, my mom also had a point. Me and Yesenia had grown into havin' this extra strong bond so now, I almost always feel at peace when we were together. She makes being awake worth the consciousness.

"Let's go. Get your butt up! Shower, brush your teeth, wash your face, get dressed, come speak to your daddy and start your day. It's Thanksgiving, you have plenty to be thankful and more-so grateful for. I'm not letting you sleep the day away. Shake it off. Come on." She coached, pullin' the blanket off of me."...Now, Trevor. Up!"

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