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Yoongi picked up the blue Bic pen that was tied to the clipboard and began to scribble out his name with a sigh

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Yoongi picked up the blue Bic pen that was tied to the clipboard and began to scribble out his name with a sigh.

Min Yoongi 4/24
Min Yoongi 4/25
Lee Taemin 4/25
Min Yoongi 4/26
Kim Yerim 4/27
Min Yoongi 4/27
Lee Taemin 4/27
Min Yoongi 4/28
Min Yoongi 4/29
Kim Yerim 4/30
Min Yoongi 4/30
Min Yoo

A whole week's worth of Min Yoongi's on the sheet. He'd been coming for over a week and still had yet to meet eyes or at least see the face of the boy he was assigned to. Maybe Jungkook was expecting, hoping maybe, that Yoongi would give up eventually. That he'd stop showing up and he wouldn't have to meet him. Well, that wasn't going to happen if the blue haired had anything to say about it. He wasn't going to let someone he hadn't even had the chance of meeting win. Not just yet. He'd keep coming and he would come until the room behind the yellowed door held a person inside. 

He knew how hard it must be to live everyday feeling alone and segregated from people who were anatomically just like you. To feel out of place and pushed into a pen where everyone can see and laugh at you. He was sure that Jungkook felt just that, maybe more. 

Jihyo had said that everyone who had been assigned to him in the past had left. He had others, how many, he couldn't be sure, but there had been others. They had all left. Left like Yoongi's childhood friend, but Jungkook had the opposite reaction to this absence. He felt that he needed to push every human who tried to be in there with him away. He avoided this problem, pushed it away into the corner of his mind and pulled every excuse out of the book that he could. Avoidance was not the right way to go about things, that, Yoongi knew for sure. That, he could tell Jungkook if he would just open the door.

Yoongi finished signing and waved at a tired looking Jihyo who came out of one of the dimly lit halls whose lights were flickering eerily. She gave him a soft smile and sank into the desk chair as Yoongi began walking back to the mutants room, gripping his satchel strap tightly out of nervousness. 

The door was closed. Yoongi's grip on the nylon strap eased, disappointment gracing his face. He was going to keep coming. He could always say that, but he'd always have his doubts. He'd have moments like these where he really thought maybe it wasn't worth coming. He came twenty minutes out of his way to stop at an impoverished building with his hopes all built up only to enter and be greeted with a wrecking ball to his once gleaming hope and another twenty minute bus ride back to his apartment. Maybe Jungkook really just didn't want him there and despised him for continuing to try and make contact. It was all a flurry of maybes. Only maybes and that's what Yoongi had to remind himself, they were only maybes and nothing more. He had to remember that Jungkook had been alone and neglected for a long time. He's bound to push away someone new and expect the same reaction as before. He's just as frightened to meet you as you are him. 

A new found surge of confidence shot into Yoongi's veins. He stepped closer and raised his fist before the oak surface, but before he could knock, a faint voice interrupted him.

"You can't keep blocking him out. This'll be good for you." Jimin? The other person, Jungkook responded in a softer voice, too soft to be heard, "He's not going to leave. It's been over a week." Another response, "He won't hate you. He's really nice and he keeps showing up despite this whole avoiding him thing. -- Alright, fine. Be that way." A pause, no faint voice, "Kook, it's your own fault that you're always alone. Take courage just this once."

The door opened and the bubblegum-pink haired male stepped out, his back to the hallway. He turned around and shrieked at the sight of Yoongi before turning invisible. He reappeared leaning against the wall by the door a few seconds later, "Yoongi, you scared me."

Yoongi laughed lightly, "Payback for last time?"

Jimin let out a chuckle, "Alright, call us even." He took a breath, "So, you here for Kookie?"

Yoongi hummed, "Seems I won't be seeing him today either."

"I tried. He's... Nervous, I guess. Got a lot going on."

"I get it, It's fine. He can take all the time he needs. I'm not going to stop coming." Yoongi added a smile at the end.

"That's the spirit." Jimin smiled, "So, have you seen anyone else here yet? Pretty wacky, huh?"

"I met Taehyung last week and I wouldn't say wacky, more.. interesting overall."

Jimin hummed, "Interesting is good."

Yoongi nodded before looking over at the hospital door, "Is he.." A hesitation, "Is he okay?"

The bubblegum haired sighed lightly, "He's really good at hiding all that stuff, so you can never tell with good ol' Jeon. I'd like to think so though. Helps to ease my worry."

"Do you think he'll like me?"

"Of course he will, if he'd just stop hiding under that thick skull of his." Jimin laughed quietly, "I like you, Yoongi. I've only met you twice, but I like you, so I know he will too. It's your worrying about him that makes me sure."

Yoongi took a deep breath in, "Alright, thank you, Jimin."

"My pleasure, Yoo-" Jimin turned around and looked towards the door then back at Yoongi, "He wants you to go in."

"Wait, ho-"

"Don't question it and go." Jimin patted Yoongi's shoulder, "This is your chance." And with that the bubblegum haired walked away.

Yoongi took a breath, composed himself, and placed a hand on the door handle.

Word Count: 1011


Jungkook is introduced next chapter! I'm excited. Jungkook chapters always tend to be wordy. He thinks a lot.
Everyone who came here from WY,IFN, I just want to say that I love you all so much. Really I do. The support you gave me there was insane, and I'm so excited to see you here too.
Thank you all for reading, stay safe and wash your hands, and I'll see you next week ❤️

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