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As expected, the next afternoon was met with a large crowd forming outside of the hospital doors

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As expected, the next afternoon was met with a large crowd forming outside of the hospital doors. It started out with a few people with signs that had messages like "abolish the mutant rights bill" or "you freaks deserve nothing" written on them. For the first time in what seemed like ever, the police were on the scene and managed to take a few people away from the crowd. Just like the hydra in mythology, however, for every person removed, two more appeared. Eventually, the signs outnumbered the cops and the yelling began. Various profanities rang out, hitting the building and echoing out across the surrounding neighborhood. A few people then took it upon themselves to start beating at the doors, which thankfully had been replaced just a day prior with higher security standards. The sea of people seemed to multiply at random intervals throughout the three hours they would be out there for. In that time, they almost seemed to double in size of the normal riots.

At around four, Yoongi exited his bus and entered the thick of the crowd at their peak. On the TV, the crowd always looked big, but being in it, it seemed more than just big. Pushing through all the people was like pushing through tall grass mixed with six feet of snow. No one seemed to want to budge and were very resistant to the blue haired male stepping around them. Eventually, after quite a while of dodging and maneuvering, he reached the door. He had been alerted by Jihyo the previous night that a new system was in place, so he quickly hit the button on the speaker attached to the door.

It let out a buzz and then Jihyo's voice came out of the speaker, "No, you can't come in to beat up my patients. If you want a punching bag, go to the gym. Please- Oh! Yoongi!"

"Didn't check the cameras?" Yoongi grinned.

"We've had nearly all of these douchebags try and buzz in. I haven't checked in about an hour." She sighed.

"Sorry, Jihyo. I know this sucks."

"Really, it does, but you get used to it. I've just never had a camera or buzzer during one of these things before."

"Speaking of, can I be buzzed in? Getting kind of tense out here." Yoongi said as a guy in a white shirt shoved him pretty hard.

"Oh, sorry. Give me three seconds, be ready in front of the door. Don't want any of these guys to get in too."

"Got it. See you inside." The speaker buzzed and Yoongi readied himself in front of the door, counting to himself softly.

"One." The crowd stopped yelling. "Two." They turned and walked away. "Three." They were all gone, much to Yoongi's confusion.

The door let out a loud click and the light above the speaker turned green. Shaking his head, he entered the hospital.

"What the hell was that?" Yoongi asked as he approached Jihyo at the front desk.

"I'm.." She paused, "I'm not quite sure."

"That happens a lot, doesn't it? Who's doing this?"

"I don't.. know. I don't know, but I would like to thank them, whoever is doing this."

"I thought you knew all the powers here-"

"I don't." Jihyo interrupted. "Some keep it a secret."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, just fine." She took a deep breath. "Now, Jungkook is probably waiting for you in his room. He had a bit of a rough time in therapy, so he'll be a bit tired. See you later." She grabbed a handful of files and left down a side hallway before Yoongi could respond.

"What is going on today?" Yoongi mumbled to himself as he went on towards Jungkook's room.

The warm, dim light of Jungkook's lamp was visible, once again, from under the hospital room's door. The blue haired male knocked softly and barely heard a quiet little "come in" through the thick, chipped wood. Unlike the last time Yoongi visited when Jungkook was like this, his head was out from under the pale covers, his face a matching hue. Sweat was beaded on his forehead, threatening to roll, but never doing so.

"Jungkook-ah." Yoongi murmured, pulling the door closed softly behind him.

"Hi.. Yoongi." Jungkook said softly, opening his eyes slightly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore." He paused, frowning slightly, "Head.. hurts. Bad."

"The thoughts?"

The brunette moved his head up towards the blue haired, his frown displaying pain and tiredness. He was worn out. Lost control. Pushed to the brink of exhaustion and couldn't hold his ground anymore. It was okay though, Yoongi was there. He'd be Jungkook's ground if the younger needed him.

Yoongi took a seat on the edge of the bed, placing his hand on the boy's arm, "Okay, Kookie. Focus on my voice, okay?" The brunette nodded against his pillow, "Focus on my voice. Block out what you don't want to hear, block out all those bad voices. Just focus on me. I'm here for you, alright? Right here." Focus Kookie, focus on me, Yoongi thought as he squeezed the younger male's arm gently.

The brunette's frown slowly dissipated, his face relaxing slightly. His breathing smoothed out and he seemed to fall deeper into his pillow. As the pale lamp light hit his face, he almost appeared to be fast asleep, like Snow White in her glass coffin.

Yoongi slowly slid off the bed, taking his hand away from Jungkook's arm. He almost made it fully off the bed before a hand latched onto his. The blue haired looked back at the brunette, who held his hand tightly in his own.

"Stay. Hyungie, stay.. Please."

Yoongi slowly lowered himself back down, "Are you sure? Don't you need to sleep?"

"Sleep.. with me.. then."

"Kookie, I can't do that. You need rest, not me-" Yoongi's mind pulled a blank as he laid down next to the younger male, his face toward him.

"Thank you.. Hyungie." Jungkook said softly as he wrapped his arm around the elder's waist.

Still somewhat confused as to what happened, Yoongi responded, "I- You're.. welcome?"

As the younger's breathing steadied out into a rhythmic manner, part of Yoongi relaxed. His tense frame softened and melded to Jungkook's shape and tiredness seemed to take over. He placed his arm around Jungkook's shoulders and held him close. Yoongi placed his face in the brunette's hair, taking in his ocean breeze scent. As sleep closed in on the blue haired, a soft smile formed on his lips.

Word Count: 1075


Hello! I'm back, sort of! I wrote this chapter a little while ago and I'm still not quite satisfied with it, but I felt bad not posting in so long. The next chapter I think is better, though I'm still working on it. I'm still going to be really slow, but I do intend to get back into the flow of writing and finishing this story soon. I promise! I hope you all enjoyed!!

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