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Namjoon walked down the hall of the hospital smuggly with a huge taunting grin on his face

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Namjoon walked down the hall of the hospital smuggly with a huge taunting grin on his face. Some of the patients were regaining their courage after the protest just a few days ago, as they were sitting outside their rooms in wheelchairs or looking out through the windows on the doors. 

That protest that occurred was a long time coming. There hadn't been one at this specific hospital in months. With such peace, there was bound to be something to break it. Namjoon would've loved to have been one of the people that did start it, but he unfortunately had prior commitments to maintain. The news coverage had been quite pleasing though. He had watched the whole thing. The ending was a bit confusing, he knew Seokyoung, although not well, but never took her as the type to back down. Especially not the entire crowd. Crowds don't just give up. Not unless the police show, which they never did. They all just walked off, all on their own. No shouts, no arguments, and no protests. Just dead silence. Prior to that though is what really mattered to Namjoon: the fear. He could imagine the fear resonating through the building in that twenty minutes of uncertainty. More fear than one of his menacing grins could ever bring. Their fear made him somewhat excited. They deserved to be scared, after what they did to his and his father's relationship, they deserved every single ounce of hate in the world.
Namjoon sent the watchers a large grin, larger than the one he was already sporting, as he caught their gaze. They panicked a little, turning their heads away. It made the pink haired's adrenaline rise as he saw the fear in their sad little eyes when they looked at him. They should fear him, he was Kim Namjoon, son of the infamous Mr. Kim, owner of the largest dye company in Korea, known for his turned eye on the things known as mutants. They should fear him just like they did his father, a tyrant over all mutant life. A smirk crept up on his lips.

The excitement fell slightly as a pang hit his chest and the building adrenaline retired. There was something wrong with this. The idea of becoming his father wasn't striking him well. Did he really want to be feared? He couldn't be sure anymore. He was confident just a minute ago, but now.. Now he wasn't even sure if that was all really his goal, or his father's. What did he want to do in life? Become CEO or pursue his dream of writing? Stay popular or become loved? Hate mutants or accept them? What had he been doing to Jimin? Pushing him away and making him feel hurt while he was stuck in this soul draining building. Caused offense in a generally peaceful environment. 

He shook his head. What the hell was going on with him? He was going through some kind of existential crisis. He chuckled to himself. Of course, the time that this would happen would be when he was in a shithole with no "daddy back up", as the kids at his school liked to call it behind his back. He didn't need his Dad to support him. He could do it on his own. Though it did help, he had to admit. 

Still, the pang in his chest remained, making him frustrated. He was perfectly okay with where he was and how he'd gotten there, so why was this uncomfortable feeling still there?

"Guilty, guilty, guilty." Namjoon turned his head to the left, now noticing that one of the doors hung open, the mutant with bandages around his head and hand angled to the hall from just a couple weeks prior sat there, "You're not on the right path and you know it, Namjoon."

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