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The first thing Yoongi woke up to that morning was the news blaring in the living room. He sat up groggily, his blue hair sticking up in different places and his eyes still slightly blurred. He slowly slid out from under the comfort of his blanket and rubbed his eyes as he walked over to his door, solely with the intention of shouting at his roommate who disturbed his sleep. However, when he stepped out into the living room and saw the headline sliding across the TV screen, he didn't feel like shouting anymore.

"Crowd of Angry People Storm Mutant Veteran's Hospital"

He walked over to where Seokjin was sitting and placed his hand on top of the armchair in the corner of the room. 

That Seokyoung girl from the news report that he had watched in Jungkook's room was standing in front of a large crowd gathered in front of the hospital. She was barely audible over the screams and shouts of the people.

"Over five hundred people are gathered here in front of the Mutant Veteran's Hospital protesting against the mutants because of the recent harming of a young woman on her way to work during the pro-mutant rights protest just a little over two weeks ago. They have been here for a little over half an hour and no one seems intent to leave."

"Has anyone been hurt?" Yoongi asked, turning his head to his roommate.

"Not yet. Though with an angry mob of five hundred people, someone is bound to." Seokjin said, eyes still locked on the screen.

"The doors of the hospital are closed tight and no one appears to be in the lobby, not even a nurse at the reception desk. People are beating at the plexiglass windows and doors, though nothing seems to be budging."

Yoongi sighed in slight relief.

"While no one has busted in, they are still trying to leave a mark. As you can see, things are being thrown at the building. We've had drinks, glass, food, anything you can think of. Despite all of this, no one has yet to be hurt."

"Thank God." Seokjin said, patting the TV remote against his thigh.

"There has been no reaction from the hospital residents, staff and patients alike. We have gotten in contact with the building ow- Oh, wait! Look up there! There appears to be someone, a man I'd say, in a patient's gown standing in one of the windows on the.. Third level, I'd say."

"That's Jungkook's floor." Yoongi said, leaning forward against the chair. 

"He's.. He appears to be pressing his hand against the glass. The shouting has gotten louder since his appearance and-" Seokyoung went silent, the whole crowd went silent, a long pause filled the air before she said monotonously, "This is over." And she began to walk away, the crowd following shortly after, still quiet.

The broadcast cut and it returned to a rerun of everyone's favorite American soap opera, The Young and the Restless.

Seokjin hit the power button on the remote and threw it onto the wood coffee table before leaning back in disbelief.

That was the first surprise of Yoongi's day.

The second came later, after he had finished classes for the day and went to the hospital. The bus let him off, the driver giving him a brief nod, and he looked at the building itself. No one was there. Not a soul. It was completely different to what had happened just hours earlier in the day. The stains from the thrown food and drinks were still there, bright reds and browns sitting against the brick.

Today, the automatic doors weren't functioning, probably still turned off from that morning. Yoongi pressed his hand to the glass and pushed hard to his right, forcing the door open. It slid back with a furious slam after he had stepped through. Jihyo wasn't at the front desk, no one was, just like the reporter had said. However, a familiar blond haired boy, sitting cross legged in one of the waiting room chairs was there. He was reading one of the little magazines that sat on the crate next to the chair, flipping the pages every now and then. As Yoongi walked closer, his head shot up and looked at the blue haired before a smile erupted on his face.

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