Chapter 1:The Letter From Hogwarts

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It was a warm summer's morning and you had just gotten out of bed ready to head down to the kitchen and greet your parents.

"Good morning Y/N, hope you're well rested." chimed your mother of whom greeted you this way every morning. She was a very cheerful person, which was a nice contrast to the way your father acted most of the time, he was still kind but just had a more brooding personality. Both of your parents had a similarity though, they were both wizards, well a witch and wizard to be exact. This made it obvious that you would also be a witch and soon enough you would be able to begin attending Hogwarts, you had been anticipating going there for years now and were growing more anxious as it was only about a month away that you would finally be arriving.

"Oh! Dear, your letter from Hogwarts has finally arrived with your list of supplies needed!" Your mother was clearly sharing your excitement on the whole matter as you could hear the enthusiasm in her voice. Without saying a word your mother could see how eager you were and handed the letter right to you, and you excitedly grabbed it from her. You tore it open without bothering to read the packaging and began to read the letter's contains aloud.

"Dear Miss L/N,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minevra McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress"

You were pacing back and forth while reading the letter aloud to your mother, you both had the biggest smiles on your faces. Your day to finally attend Hogwarts was just around the corner, you couldn't be more thrilled at this fact. Your mother had acquired the list of your school supplies and was silently reading it through with squinted eyes, as she needed glasses for reading.

"Looks like we better go to Diagon Alley pretty soon here then. We've got to get you all sorts of stuff...Ooo! Getting you a wand should be fun, ah and a pet companion as well! Ah this is all so exciting my dear!" You were an only child so getting to do stuff such as this was very special, shopping for your first year at Hogwarts was only going to happen once and even though your mother had also attended Hogwarts this was a brand new experience, getting to share it with her only daughter. You looked at your mother and her gaze had risen from the list, both of you met the others bright eyes of which were filled with excitement.

___________Time skip_____________

It was now only two weeks until you would be boarding the Hogwarts Express, and you were getting ready to go to Diagon Alley with your mother and father. Your father was able to take time out of his busy schedule so that you all three could do the shopping as a family. He works at the Ministry of Magic so he wasn't home all that much so you knew this must be a special occasion, as your mom had forced him to find time for it. You three arrived at Diagon Alley and immediately you were in shock it was so much cooler than you remembered, you had been there a couple of times before but this time it felt a little different. Fist you and your parents went to the book store to purchase your spell books for the coming school year, then you all head to Madam Malkin's to get your school robe fitted, just before leaving you notice a seemingly malnourished boy with round glasses wander into the shop. You don't think much of it but then not too long after another boy made his way in, this one had platinum blonde hair and walked with a sense of purpose walking right past you and your family as he entered and you exited. While walking to your next destination you looked back through the window and saw the two boys talking, maybe they knew each other, but the scrawny boy had a look of distaste before moving on to be fitted. You had finally gotten everything on your list besides your wand, with this the three you make your way to Olivander's. You step inside alone your parents waiting out front as they did not want to disturb the process of you finding the perfect wand. A man comes from another room looking rather excited and immediately took a glance at you and placed a wand right in front of you.

"Go on, don't be shy. Give it a wirl! Wave it around!" The man was very eager probably more eager than even you. but you do as he says and gave the wand a good wave but all it did was knock over a couple wands from the wall of wand boxes behind him.

"Ah! no, no, uhhh.... Let's try..... This one!" He had snatched the wand from your hands and handed you another one. Once again you waved the wand around in the air but this time instead of it knocking things over a bright light encompassed the room and you knew what that meant, you have found your wand.

"Ah yes, yes! Very good one this wand! Very nice indeed! This is a Hawthorn wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 1/2" and slightly springy." You looked down at your wand as he spoke, it looked quite simple but also beautiful, you knew this was the perfect wand for you just by the way you felt when you held it in your hand. You pay the man with the Galleons your parents had given you before you went in and excitedly sprang out of the door to meet your parents. However, your parents were now not alone, they were talking to a man with long almost white hair who was followed by the boy you saw earlier in Madam Malkin's.

"Ah Y/N! I see you got your wand, very good. This is my colleague, Lucius Malfoy along with his son, Draco." Your father had gestured over to the two of them, Draco looked to be about your age and his father seemed a couple years older than yours. You looked up at the man and gave him a nervous smile, he looked at you and smiled back though it didn't seem super genuine but you pretended you didn't notice. The boy named Draco came up to you and held out a hand for you to shake, you grabbed it and shook it he smirked at you before opening his mouth to introduce himself.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Might I ask your name?" He seemed so polite yet so full of himself, but you have to admit he had reason to be he was very handsome and by the looks of it he was probably also very wealthy. You smiled at him and though you two stopped shaking hands you were still holding on. You quickly let go when you realize that you were still hand in hand and begin to introduce yourself as well.

"Uhh, I'm Y/N L/N, pleasure to meet you Draco." He began to converse with you about how he was hoping to be a Slytherin once they got to school and how he thinks that it'd be a waste to be in Hufflepuff. Though at first it seemed a bit snooty he was slowly persuading you to see from his point of view because even though they seemed flawed in your opinion but at least he had views he believed in. You figured there would be no sense with arguing with him especially since you just met and not to mention his father who was right behind Draco and you couldn't lie he was very intimidating to you. With this as Draco talked you just nodded your head showing that you were silently agreeing with him, this seemed to make Draco take a liking to you and you couldn't lie you were taking a liking to him as well. It impressed you that he wasn't worried about voicing his opinion, and as before mentioned he wanted to be a Slytherin which was also the house you wanted to be in due to your families lineage, everyone in your family had been a Slytherin when they had attended Hogwarts. Your head was spinning with thoughts throughout your conversation with Draco, but those thoughts abruptly stopped when you heard your father's voice cut in.

"Well it seems like you two are getting along, that's good, nice to make friends before you're sent off to Hogwarts. I hate to break you two apart, but Y/N we must head back home as it is almost time for dinner. Say goodbye to Draco and Mr. Malfoy now." You hadn't really heard your father speak like this he sounded a bit... fake to you, maybe it was because the Malfoy's but you couldn't really understand why. Either way you aided with his words.

"Bye Draco, hopefully I'll see you on the train to Hogwarts. Bye Mr. Malfoy." You bowed a bit and shook Draco's hand goodbye and he brought it up closer to him and planted a kiss right above your knuckles. Mr. Malfoy glanced down at you and forced a smile then motioned Draco to follow him as they were both off. But before you were too far away Draco had turned around and gave a quick wave and said.

"Bye Y/N. See you on the train!" You could tell that Draco was more genuine than his father but then again you were both kids and he still had a lot more time to slowly become more like Lucius, you decided you just had to figure out how everything would work out for the both of you moving forward in life at Hogwarts. And with that you and your parents headed home to enjoy a family dinner. But all you could think about was how soon you would be attending Hogwarts and how you wished to become closer to Draco.

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