Slug Club

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"Put me down, Henry!" Said Ophelia as she was hoisted onto her brothers shoulders in the Gryffindor common room. He had sandy blond hair but they shared the same gold in their eyes.

"I gave you the password for emergencies only, Lia, and you having a date with one of my chasers is not an emergency." He said, easily supporting her weight as he walked out of the portrait hole.

"It's not a date, and what if I came in so I could see my favourite big brother?" She asked as he set her down.

"That's not an emergency. But it is nice to hear every once in a while." He said, mocking hurt.

"Fuck you." She said, flipping the finger at him.

"I love you too." He said. "Sit like a lady."

"I'll kill you." Said Ophelia,

"That's not proper lady speak, think of what mum would say." Said Henry, shaking his head as he sat next to her on the wall next to the portrait hole.

"How art thow, my brother?" Asked Ophelia.

"Quite well, sister dear, hath you seen our fellow kinsman?" Replied Henry.

"Lady Dorothy hath taken a new Lord." Said Ophelia, referring to Dottie.

"Who be the worthy gentleman?" Asked Henry who seemed to see it as his mission to protect his little relatives after Dotties older brother had left.

"Man yes, but worthy he is not, Rabastan Lestrange." Said Ophelia.

"That son of a bitch." Said Henry standing up.

"I lasted longer than you did!" She said, leaning on the wall behind her.

"Enjoy it while it lasts, Lia." Said Henry, "I'll fetch your gentleman caller."

"Don't make me sound like a hooker, Henry." She said as he went through the portrait door.

She looked back at the passers by and blushed a little bit.

"Marigold, you really need to clean up that language or I'll have to deduct points." Said a familiar cold voice, she turned to face the owner.

"Hi, Riddle," she said looking up at him for a moment before finding him too intimidating and standing. "What are you doing here?"

"I was on my way to Slughorns dinner." He said, "I as a prefect heard some language and decided to investigate."

"Of course," she said, smoothing our her yellow dress. "But this is Gryffindor tower, if you stopped here whenever you heard inappropriate language you would never leave."

She could have sworn she saw his lips tug up at her words but it ended as quickly as it began.

"Fair enough. I can't be late." He said before swiftly walking away.

She let him go. Not particularly wanting to carry on the conversation.

Ricky exited the portrait hole and offered his arm, which she took.

"Your brother just said that if I don't have you in your dorm by eleven he's going to shove a broomstick so far up my arse that I'll taste it." He said, as they walked down the hall towards Slughorns office.

"He's a little over protective. Of literally any guy who comes near me ever, you should have seen him in third year when he found out Lestrange was my potions partner." Said Ophelia, shivering dramatically at the memory

"Doesn't it get tiring?"

"It's not like I've never threatened his girlfriends if they hurt him they pay." Said Ophelia, a dangerous look in her eye, "Loyalty, bitch."

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now