✨self destructive tendencies✨

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Ophelia couldn't breathe. If she could her brain wasn't cooperating or wasn't letting her do so. Everything was short and rushed and in a blur as the pounding on the door continued,

Her eyes searched the room desperately for one of Grindelwald's disciples even though she knew it to be impossible,

Ophelia's hands were shaking, she tried to pick up her wand but she couldn't and she tried summoning it to herself but it proved too difficult,

Sniffled and wiped away a tear as her magic failed her. The banging on her door persisted and she let out a sob as the world felt like it was spinning too fast for her,

When she finally managed to pick up her wand she found herself unable to hold onto it, as though her body rejected the magical world that had fucked her over so badly,

And she found herself unable to bring herself to that door to face Primrose, she couldn't even fathom seeing her now,

Ophelia sobbed and looked at herself in the vanity, she'd hardly slept in days, nights were torn up with nightmares, and alcohol,

Days were just periods of light before the night returned,

Sometimes she'd pull herself together to go into town but one backfiring car was enough to send her huddling for cover,

She tugged on gloves, covering the burns, bruises, and scrapes left to her from her trial, she tried to breathe as she reached the top of the stairs, and then she found herself sitting crossed legged at the top of the stairs, starring down at where she could see Primrose's head in the door,

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me!" She shouted, and Ophelia cringed at her volume, covering her face with her gloved hands, shutting her eyes tightly as she felt nerves crawl all over her skin,

She felt like there was a tiger in her stomach clawing at her insides, she wanted to scream but no sound came out,

"Listen, Lili, I'm sorry that Henry didn't tell you what he was going to do," said Primrose, and Ophelia looked up, "He did what he thought was,"

Ophelia waited for the next words to come out of her mouth, and prayed it wouldn't be,


Her temper snapped within a second, forcing her to her feet and down the stairs, and pushing her through the door, her hands still shook, her brows still furrowed, but this was in utter rage,

"Best?" Spat Ophelia, before a cold laugh left her lips, the sound was chilling and Primrose found herself frozen to the spot,

Primrose's face went blank almost in fear, she'd never heard that sound from Ophelia, she'd never actually seen Ophelia so angry,

"Best for you you mean?" She asked, "Best for the two of you, cause we wouldn't want little Rosie's ivory tower to get a little dingy would we?"

She was mocking her, not teasing, not poking fun, cold and cruel was the word to describe Ophelia right now,

"Don't give a shit about what happens to me, couldn't even face me before my trial," Ophelia said, "So long as little Rosie gets her happily ever after you'd gladly condemn the rest of us wouldn't you?"

"I didn't know he'd-"

"But you're here to defend him." Said Ophelia, "You think he did the right thing,"

"He was just doing what he thought was best for the baby," said Primrose quietly, hoping the mention of Ophelia's future niece or nephew would calm her,

It didn't.

Ophelia felt as though Primrose had lit a fuse within her, like there were mere moments before an explosion, tears began to well under her eyes but she willed them away,

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now