He remembered everything

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Tom was on his way back from his meetings with his knights. He had branded them. A dark mark on each of their arms. Malfoy had winced, Mulciber had whimpered, but Lestrange had shown no weakness. That display of strength would be rewarded.

He had left the room of requirement several minutes after them.

He adored when the castle was quiet and he could hear the sound of his steps on the stone floors. Tom Riddle would be the most powerful wizard to ever live.

He had to be the best. Otherwise there was simply no point.

His pale skin was illuminated by the torches on his way to the dungeons. He wondered if anyone even realized that they were in the same building as the dark lord.

That he had performed more in one night unforgivables than anyone else would in their entire life.

He felt powerful, he puffed out his chest for his own benefit as his cloak bellowed behind him. He took a deep breath in savouring the feeling of having his entire future figured out.

It was rare for a teenager to feel this way, but he was no mere teenager. He was lord Voldemort.

Then he heard steps and a laugh. He knew that laugh, he cast a dissolutionment charm on himself.

"We just need to check the dungeons." Said Ophelia as she approached, McKenna in toe. "Riddle usually does this." She said, loosening her yellow tie. "I'll show you how to make a headband out of a tie. The proper way."

McKenna wore his tie around his head, and Tom scoffed inwardly as his dumb face turned to Ophelia.

"There is no right or wrong when it comes to tie bandanas." Said McKenna as Ophelia tied hers around her head.

"Except that there is and I'm right." She said, securing it around her head. Hers had a bow a little off centre.

"Fine." Said McKenna, as Ophelia smiled at him. "You are right, I am wrong."

"Thank you very much." She said, taking a small bow.

"Or am I just saying this so your brother doesn't get mad at me." He suggested and much to Toms delight she elbowed him in the stomach.

"I am just as intimidating as that, that- nincompoop." Said Ophelia as they fell out of earshot.

"Nice word."

"Thanks I-"

They fell out of ear shot and Tom walked towards his common room. He felt the tug at his stomach that he always felt when he saw her with others. That and like a soft heart burn.

He walked into the common room and mounted the steps to his dormitory. All the other curtains around the four poster beds were drawn to his relief.

He went to the bathroom to change, he took off his cloak, then moved to the buttons of his oxford shirt. A mental image of Ophelia undoing them for him went through his mind like a flash flood. He shook his head, continuing down his shirt until he shed it.

He kept his undershirt on and went to change his pants. Another influx of mental images ran through his mind, the honey haired girl unzipping them for him. Tom practically groaned at his regular teenage boy thoughts.

Henry Marigold just had to hoist her over his shoulder like that. Allowing Tom to see exactly what her white panties looked like. They were lacy too. He shut up the voice in his head.

Tom got a new pair of boxers and climbed into his bed, pulling out his Horcrux. His diary, given to him by the very girl who was on his mind like a drug.

He drew his curtains shut and tried to sleep.

Sleep wouldn't come, he kept thinking how much better those panties would look on the floor.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now