Because she forgot her ribbon

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Ophelia had left the classroom with Primrose and Ricky, leaving only Tom alone in the class packing up.

He was about to leave when Slughorn called to him.

"Tom M'boy, Miss Marigold seems to have forgotten her ribbon." Said the old man, pointing at the golden ribbon which had fallen from her wrist. "I would hate for her to miss it."

"I'll be sure to bring it back to her, sir." Said Tom, pocketing the ribbon as he left the classroom.

"Such a gentleman." Said Slughorn as his prized pupil left the classroom.

Tom walked down the hall and picked the ribbon out of his pocket, turning it over in his hand. Even it smelt like honey. Tom wondered if there was one bit of her that did not smell like honey.

He returned the ribbon to his pocket and made his way to the hospital wing.

He walked in and walked to where Theodore lay unconscious. He closed the curtains around his bed and pressed his wand to Theodores temple.


Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now