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Ophelia was on her way to potions. She got there early, Slughorn had asked her to fetch some ingredients from the greenhouses as he had been banned for always taking too much. When she arrived, the plants moving to her out of her arm she noticed that Tom was already there, sitting in his regular seat and reading.

His skin was so pale that it almost glowed. His inky black hair was perfectly pulled back except for a strand that had found its way to his forehead.

She continued walking to the Professors desk,

"Oh, well done, my dear girl. Professor Sprout never lets me near anything since the incident with the mandrakes." He said taking the plants from her.

"Happy to help, sir." She said, "remind me to ask you later about your side of the Mandrake incident."

"Of course." He said, beaming at her.

"But What potion are these for, sir?" She asked.

"Well Amortentia of course," said professor Slughorn, completely missing the distaste on Ophelia's face. "This is for next class after the break, I need to brew a test batch first of course."

"Is there an antidote to Amortentia?" She asked.

Tom's attention has shifted to their conversation. Today her honey coloured hair was half up half down and tied together with a golden ribbon of all things.

"Only time, I'm afraid." He said, "Why don't you take a seat while I put these in the back.

She took her place at the centre of the classroom. Tom turned to face her.

"Not a fan of Amortentia, Marigold? I'm surprised." Said Tom.

She snapped out of her dreamy stance and her honey coloured eyes turned to him.

"Why, Riddle? It doesn't create real love, only powerful infatuation. Why would anyone be fan of that?" She said and he shrugged. "What are you reading?"

"A play." He replied, her interest peaked and she walked around her table to look at the book.

"Hamlet." She read. "Then you would understand my distaste for infatuation. Haven't you already read this?"

"I thought I could use a refresher." He said, setting the book on the desk.

"You didn't need to buy one, I would have leant you mine." Said Ophelia, running her finger over the title.

"You've scribbled in the margins of yours haven't you?" He asked and she scowled at him.

"It's just my commentary." She said.

"As fascinating as the world inside your head is, I would prefer an untainted opinion on the play." He said, as she walked back to her desk, opening her textbook.

Primrose walked into the class and undid Ophelia's hair.

"Can I help you, Rosie dearest?" She asked.

"Why certainly, sweetheart, never let Sandra do your hair." Said Primrose, braiding Ophelia's hair into two twin braids at the back of her head.

"It wasn't that bad." Said Ophelia, as she felt Primrose tug at her hair.

"It was so boring."

"It was classic."

"Tomato, tomAto." Said Primrose, "wait you're Irish, potato potAto. Make sense now?"

"Don't make me come back there." She said, nudging Primrose with her elbows.

"Careful or I'll mess up." Said Primrose. "Alastor's parents are excited to meet me."

"And she why wouldn't they be? With the way he's probably talked you up to them." Said Ophelia as Primrose finished the twin braids at the back of her hair, tying them magically.

"All done." Said Primrose, proudly now sitting next to Ophelia.

"What about the ribbon?" Said Ophelia, puppy dog eyes set on Primrose in full form.

"Fine." She said, picking up Ophelia's wrist and tying the gold ribbon around her wrist. "Happy?"

"Like a child on Christmas." Said Ophelia, looking at the ribbon on her wrist. "So his parents want to meet you?"

"Yes, I've aparrently already had a name card printed for their Christmas dinner table." Said Primrose, tucking her brown hair behind her ear,

"Does he have any siblings?" Asked Ophelia.

"A sister. She's ten and he loves her like a lot. I'm most nervous for her to like me." Said Primrose.

"Don't be, just look at how good you are at braiding hair." Said Ophelia, showing her the back of her head as Ricky approached.

"Don't try and steal my partner away from me, Primrose, because she would leave me for you in an instant." He said as he shood her out of the seat.

"Fine, good bye honey buns."

"See you later, sweetheart." Replied Ophelia as Ricky sat beside her. "What's up, Ricky?"

"Not much, your brother is a pain in the ass." He said and she laughed.

"What else is new?" She asked as the lesson began.

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