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Ophelia bit her lip when she saw him standing there. She had a glass of firewhiskey in her and she felt courageous. They were in a hallway of the school walking towards the Slytherin common room.

"Hey, Nott!" She called and he turned around and did a sort of half smile as she approached.

"Marigold, how is the victory party?" He asked and Ophelia was incredibly happy with how he wasn't a poor loser. "You know so we know what to expect when Slytherin wins next time."

"Macmillan already drank half the firewhiskey. Currently he's dancing shirtless on a table." Said Ophelia and Theodore laughed at the mental image.

"Why aren't you watching?" He asked, sarcastically.

"Once is more than enough, his dances while entertaining lack any artistic depth." She said as though evaluating the Mona Lisa for its artistic merits and he chuckled again.

"Well then how could you possibly subject yourself to that?" He said.

" I wanted to ask you if you would like to maybe go to hog-" she was cut off by a cold voice from behind her.

"Marigold, there are Hufflepuffs setting off firecrackers in the main hall." Said Tom Riddle, "Go take care of it, or shall I fetch Diggory?"

Theodore had stiffened significantly. He only nodded curtly at Tom.

"I'll deal with it." She muttered, Theodore started walking away, to get away from Tom. Fuck it. She couldn't let Tom hold her back."wait, Nott I was going to ask you, if you had a date to hogsmeade next Saturday."

He stopped in his walk and turned to face her his face shocked but he seemed happy nonetheless.

"No, I don't, have any suggestions?" He asked, walking towards her again.

"Would you like to go with me?" She asked finally, her heart felt like it may beat from her chest, and he smiled. His stupid handsome smile only made the heart racing faster.

"I would be happy to." Said Theodore and Ophelia smiled so brightly that he was afraid he would get a sunburn.

He walked over to her and he kissed her. HE kissed HER. She thought she would die of happiness right there.

It was short sweet, and a promise of a proper good snog in the future.

She was blushing furiously by the time she left to deal with the Hufflepuffs in the main hall. She had long forgotten the presence of one Tom Riddle. They both had. Only Ophelia wouldn't be the one paying the price.

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