The Red Devil

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The red devil had arrived today. 

Ophelia had just had possibly the worst day of her life and her uterus decides that today is the day it punishes her for having safe sex and not being pregnant. 

Uterus wanted baby.

Uterus didn't have baby. 

So it wanted revenge.

"Haven't I been through enough?" Asked Ophelia as she took in the stained state of the sheets of the bed in her motel room, She reached for her stolen purse and saw that the victim of the theft had a healthy stash of tampons and pads, "Thank you, God."

She walked to the bathroom and put in a tampon and put down a pad, 

She didn't have a change of underwear, and she frowned as she pulled her underwear up, and she walked to the mirror, washing her face thoroughly, 

It was five am, and Ophelia planned to leave at five thirty, to get on the road and drive until she was somewhere no one would recognize her. 

"Mi Amor, you'll get through this." Came Lolita's voice, manifesting in Ophelia's grief striken mind, "The bra thing was pretty cool,"

"You like that?" Muttered Ophelia and no response, Ophelia looked in the mirror and shook her head, "I'm going insane,"

"Are you?" Asked Lolita, and Ophelia wanted her there next to her so badly that she could practically smell her perfume, 

"You aren't here." Said Ophelia, staring into her own eyes, golden eyes with honey hues, 

Her granddad used to say that the Marigold eyes had evolved that way since they spent so much time staring at gold, 

Ophelia had about thirty thousand dollars on her. Her granddad would be proud. She needed to find connections in America.

To get a new identity, or, even riskier, go back to her apartment in Manhattan and take the file with her new identity that Grindelwald had given her. 

But she couldn't show her face in New York city at all. Ophelia shook her head and left the bathroom and sat at the desk, laying out the map in front of her and plotting her course. There was a gas station, a strip mall, and a bus station. 

And a crimson tide to manage. Oh Joy of Joys.


"Hello again, gorgeous," Said the Malloy as Ophelia walked into the gas station, "Looking for me?"

"This doesn't feel like a coincidence," She muttered, picking up a box of pads and a toothbrush and toothpaste, and then another map of the bus stations in the country, and set them on the counter, 

"Probably because it feels more like fate," Said the MAlloy, and she almost smiled, 

Game recognizes game, and that was one hell of a line. Ophelia pushed the sunglasses up her face, and payed for her merchandise, 

"Going somewhere, doll?" Asked the Malloy, as she turned around and begun heading back to her car, 

"I have an appointment." Said Ophelia,

"Aw, something more important than me?" Asked Malloy, 

"Changing my Tampon actually," She said casually, walking out the door, and immediately the man was uncomfortable, 

"Well, uh, here's my number," Said Malloy, "Call me in a week, what's your name anyways?"

"Po-" She was about to say Poppy as she spotted a waitress on her way to work, "Line, Pauline."

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