Herself again

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It was halfway through February, Valentine's Day. Ophelia was staring at her food as though it had insulted her. She had really come back into herself recently. Back to who she was. She even began to make people laugh again.

"It's not going anywhere, Ophelia." Said Sandra from across from her.

"Shhh she's about to be the first human ever to win a staring contest with food." Said Primrose and Ophelia turned to her scowling, "oh look, now you've let the food win."

"Fuck you,"said Ophelia smiling.

"Look who's swearing at the dinner table again." Said Primrose, proudly.

"Are you going to rounds tonight, or can you try to get out of them?" Asked Sandra.

"Why? Need a body taken care of?" Asked Ophelia, and Sandra smiles,

"No, We were just going to sneak off to Hogsmeade." Said Sandra.

"I wish I could, but I highly doubt Riddle would dream of letting me." Said Ophelia.

"He's been better recently." Said Primrose.

"Yeah, I like it. I don't literally want to kill myself whenever I see him." Said Ophelia.

"That's What all great friendships are based on." Said Sandra.

"Yes, I know I love it when My friends don't literally want to kill themselves when they see me." Said Primrose.

"I know, it's like a warm and fuzzy feeling." She said,

"I have serious trouble seeing Riddle feeling warm or fuzzy." Said Sandra.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now