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Tom was walking down the hall from breakfast when he heard a familiar laugh. He paused for a moment and listened.

"No, no, Ricky front of foot then back of foot." Said Ophelia, he then heard the tapping of feet on the stone floor

Tom rounded a corner, and remained out of eyeline.

"I knew you could get it." Said Ophelia, and Ricky smiled after her.

"Bloody hell, I never knew how difficult dancing was." Said Ricky.

"It's all good, when you have the right partner of course." Said Ophelia, "Now dance with me,"

"No, I can barely even dance on my o-"

"Dance with me," said Ophelia taking his hands and spinning herself with one. "I'm drunk because of whatever was in that flask, I taught you how to dance the least you could do is fucking dance with me."

"Holly calls it a funky monkey, tastes like arse but it will get you fucked up."

"I like that girl. Now, dance with me." Said Ophelia, "Or are you a little bitch."

Ricky laughed, "Lettle Betch." He mimicked and Ophelia scowled at him but it faded when he took the hands she was offering.

He spun her away then pulled her in close before letting her move again.

"You should never do that in real life." Said Ophelia as he dipped her.

"Why?" Asked Ricky, confused.

She came back up and showed him his wallet she had just nicked.

"You never know who you're dancing with." Said Ophelia, giving it. Back to him. "Can we get food? I don't want a hangover."

"Sure, to the kitchens." Said Ricky looping his arm through hers.

"Hazah!" said the drunken Ophelia.

Tom rounded the corner and made sure they could hear him coming they both turned around.

"Ophelia, I wanted to discuss the prefect duties." Said Tom and Ophelia huffed.

"We literally had the meeting last night, what could possibly change in less than twenty four hours?" Asked Ophelia,

"Are you drunk? McKenna, did you get her drunk?" Asked Tom walking over and looking at the flush on her cheeks. She glared up at him. But he didn't want her leaving with McKenna. If Ophelia was going to make bad decisions with someone it should be Tom.

"No, I got me drunk. Because you, you treat me like shit and I needed a drink." Said Ophelia,

"You don't know what you're saying, Ophelia, come on I'll get you a sobering up potion." Said Tom but Ophelia shook her head. He huffed and detached her arm from Ricky's "come on, Ophelia."

"Stop, Riddle." Said Ricky in vain, "you can't treat her like this."

"McKenna, find another girl to chase." Said Tom, as Ophelia tried in vain to get him off her arm. "Try someone who you actually stand a chance with. There are ogres in the forest you know?" Spat Tom.

Ricky didn't know what to say. He felt Tom's words cut deeper than knives. Tom Riddle is a master of cruelty. He knew how to make others hurt. He knew what he said hurt McKenna and he didn't care. He cared that Ophelia was now tipsy. He cared that McKenna looked at her in class. He cared that McKenna wanted to touch what belonged to Tom.

"You can't say things like that to my friends." Said Ophelia, as he dragged her away. "Stop."

"I'm getting you a sobering up potion, let me take care of you." Said Tom as he pulled her to a familiar blank stretch of wall.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now