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Tom woke up to the sound of waves crashing on the nearby beach. He looked to his right to where Ophelia ought to be sleeping. But she wasn't there. He sat up slowly and took in his surroundings.

He was in the master bedroom of a house. The window looked out onto the ocean. If he were to wager a guess he'd say he were in Ireland.

He got out of bed slowly and looked at the picture on the mantle and of course, there she was.

Ophelia Marigold, in a wedding dress. One that suited her perfectly. He'd wanted eternity with her since they'd said their first I love yous and probably even before that.

And in this dream, from the look of the ring on his finger that's what he got.

He glanced at the other photos, the ones of him, the ones of them together,

One photo caught his attention in particular, one of a little baby. He picked it up, a smile mounting to his face as he took in the rosy cheeks, inky black hair, and bright golden eyes.

Tom set the photograph down, and moved from the bedroom into the hall, it was a truthfully very pretty house. Tom looked at the photos on the wall, the Marigold family reunions were his personal favourites. They all seemed to be in costume.

"Ophelia?" He called, but there was no answer, he walked across the hall into what must be the child's room.

It was painted sky blue. A wall where there was evidence of swatching. He almost smiled, he and Ophelia were probably arguing over painting the nursery yellow or green.

Because the child would be Slytherins heir but, yellow matched her aesthetic so much better.

Tom looked in the crib but there was no child in there. He seemed to be the only one in the house.

There were more pictures in the room, and based on the dresses and the dolls, he was guessing they'd had a girl. His eyes caught on a photo album, and he was unable to resist.

Tom pulled out the book,

Juliet Cordelia Riddle,

He liked that name. He opened the book and saw a picture of his face, completely shocked but none the less happy,

The caption was: PRICELESS!!!

He assumed it was when she'd told him about the baby, the next page was a page of names.

Primrose was there. He recognized his own writing vetoing the name. Henry too, and Nathaniel, and Tom. Tom the third.

Then he smiled at Ophelia's writing identifying that no child she would push out would ever be 'pompous mcpompous the third'.

The next page featured Ophelia's mother and Tom furrowed his eyebrows but this was a perfect world he supposed.

He flipped the page, to see a worn out Ophelia holding his baby. Then her birth certificate, then a picture of Tom Riddle holding his daughter.

Tom had never seen himself look so at peace and happy.

He shut the book determined to find his wife and child. But then he walked into his study, and he noticed a complete lack of anything related to dark magic.

There were books on the shelves though. By both Ophelia and Tom. He spotted a picture of them graduating Hogwarts, Ophelia showing off her ring, but it wasn't the gaunt family ring.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now