The Knights Of Walpurgis

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Tom sat at the head of the table. The air of the room was cold, although a fire was crackling in the fireplace. Tom looked at the blank faces of his Knights, his life's mission of power undeniable power would be impossible without their wealth and connections.

"Lestrange," Said Tom, and the boy looked at him,

"My lord." Said Lestrange in recognition,

"Have you located the diadem?" He asked,

"There are rumours, it is in the Albanian forest, where the grey lady was killed." Said Lestrange, Tom nodded slowly.

"The grey lady? The ghost of Ravenclaw tower." He said,

"Yes, my lord." Said Lestrange, respect evident in his tone.


"Milord." Said Malfoy with a waver in his voice.

"Are you afraid Malfoy? What exactly is scaring you?" Asked Tom, malice dripping from his tone. Malfoy took a deep breath and shifted in his seat.

"Of course not, my lord. I simply have a cold." Said Malfoy, reluctantly meeting Tom's gaze.

"Good, we are not meant to be afraid, Malfoy. We are meant to be feared." Said Tom, condescension dripping from his tone, the other Knights forced a chuckle. "Now, then, Malfoy. Are there any new potential members?"

"My cousin, Victor Karkarov. He attends Durmstrang." Said Malfoy and Tom nodded slowly.

"My lord, if I may suggest someone new?" Said Orion Black who had brought many of the other members of the little club in in the first place.

"By all means, Black." Said Tom turning his attention to the raven haired boy to his right.

"Jason Finnigan, we duelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts, he is exceptional. His father is fairly high up in the ministry, a foreign correspondent he just arrived from France. He may have contacts at Beauxbatons." Said Black and Tom felt his back stiffen.

This was a risk. Tom knew Jason was a friend of Ophelia's but he had no scope of how close they were now. He banished all thoughts of Ophelia from his head. She shouldn't alter his decision making.

"Before you approach him, ensure an interest in the dark arts. We know not his affiliations. In fact, try to find blackmail information. Just in case." Said Tom nodding his head. They did need a French connection and he could not allow Ophelia to cloud his judgement.

"Yes my lord." Said Black and Tom nodded. Black seemed to breathe easier after receiving Tom's praise.

Tom smirked at this. The feeling of immediate power over another was exhillerating.

"You may go." Said Tom, gesturing for his knights to leave the room and most did, all accept Malfoy. He stood by Tom's chair, waiting for recognition of his presence, "What is it Malfoy."

Malfoy gulped and opened his mouth, "My lord, if I may be so blunt," He began, "I think you are making a big mistake."

Tom raised his eyebrows lazily, standing to stare down at the practically shaking Malfoy. "With what, Malfoy?" Asked Tom.

"Marigold. I think you are walking on thin ice." Said Malfoy,

"What do you know about my relationship, Malfoy?" Asked Tom, rolling his eyes.

"I know Marigold is a decent person. She would never forgive something like this." Said Malfoy, and Tom's face went blank once more.

"She'll never find out about something like this." Said Tom and Malfoy nodded,

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