Happy for the first time

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Tom was happy for probably the first time in his life. Ophelia was holding his hand as they walked down the hall during their patrols. She was talking very passionate about some muggle thing. Some science or whatever. Aurora Borealis and the conflicting theories about how they were formed.

"So basically the sun sending the solar wind our way and Aurora Borealis and australis happen because of the magnetic pulls of the two poles. So, what I was wondering is whether the wizards are just taking credit for it. Of course I only learnt about this so I could break i-" Said Ophelia her eyebrows knitted together in thought.

"Ophelia, when you get all scientific it makes me wonder if I even really know you." Said Tom as she was pulled through the halls by Tom. She was happy.

"There are so many sides to me you have not even seen yet." She said and he raised his eyebrows, "I can also knit, and make a pretty decent omelette."

He chuckled and smiled, "That is completely predictable." Said Tom, before pushing her against a wall. He let go of her hand and placed his hands on either side of her. "What I really want to know is," Tom leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "Where that tattoo is."

"I don't know," She said, biting her lip as he placed a kiss on her neck. "Another time maybe."

"When?" He asked his lips landing on hers for a moment before pulling away.

"When we are not on patrol," She said kissing his lips, "On a proper date."

"Oh?" He said as his kisses began to descend her neck, she tilted her head to give him better access.

"I am a proper lady." She said before he nipped at her neck and she let out a whimper, "I am not going to strip in the hallway of the school. I have standards."

He left her neck and placed a kiss on her lips, he smiled down at her, "I won't give you warning, we'll be on a date and I'll find a way to see that tattoo." He muttered against her lips.

"As long as we don't get caught." She said, and he devoured her lips again before pulling away.

He stood rather properly and offered his arm, "We have rounds to complete, Ophelia."

She took his arm, "Of course , Tom."

"Tell me more about this Aurora Borealis."

"I'd be happy to." She said. Tom liked the way she spoke. Always so passionate, with a few curse words which almost lost affect in her Irish accent.

He never wanted her to look at him with anything other than adoration in her eyes.

Tom sat next to Ophelia in the library. He'd pay anything to here her pick him over Sandra Desmond again. Not exactly what happened, but he would read into it whatever he wanted to. When she was really focused, which was rare, the rest of the world seemed to fade away to her.

"Don't stare at me like that, Tom, I might start to think you like me or something." She said, smiling at him and he rolled his eyes.

"What if I do like you or something?" He asked, and Ophelia blushed, looking down.

She was so pretty when she blushed. Knowing he had caused it sent a thrill through him. Merlin, the girl really was like a drug.

"Then stare away." She said, and she kissed his cheek before returning to her reading, he slipped his hand into hers underneath the table.

"It would be nice if you would stare at me too, you know." He said and Ophelia's smile widened.

"Alright, love, you are far more beautiful than this book. So I suppose I could make that happen." She said, Tom's heart stuttered at the word Love in relation to him fall from her lips.

He wanted her to love him. He saw the kind of crazy loyalty she had for the people that she loved. She made him so happy.

"You flatter me." He replied.

"Flattery will get you everywhere in life." She said, leaning closer to him.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"Yes, I once flattered my way into a position as a secretary for a summer. I had absolutely no qualifications for that job." She said and Tom raised his eyebrows.

"You've got a rather interesting life, Ophelia." Her breath hitches in her throat whenever he said her name and he found it intoxicating.

"Glad I don't bore you." She said, her eyes flickering to his lips.

"You could never bore me." He said, and she scrunched her nose.

"Even if I were talking about some muggle thing that you don't give a rats arse about?" She asked, her face now dangerously close to his.

He liked it when she kissed him, and if he wanted her to lean in and press her lips to his, he had to say exactly the right thing.

"I'll find it interesting because you're talking about it. You have a way wi-" he was cut off because Ophelia kissed him.

Honey filled his senses. He put a hand in her hair, pulling her closer to him. This had to be the happiest Tom had ever been. He pulled away slowly and had to admire the flush that had risen to her cheeks, and the way her eyes stayed closed for several seconds after kissing him.

"Holy shit, you're really good at that." Said Ophelia. And Tom chuckled, one of his hands still holding hers. "Tell me more about the founders." She said looking at him curiously.

"You already know all about them." Said Tom and Ophelia rolled her eyes.

"I like the way you speak, okay, are you happy now?" She asked.

"Ecstatic." He said before he began explaining exactly how Hogwarts came to be. He wanted her around as much as possible, he didn't care that he had to tell his friends a completely different story of why they were together. He cared that right now he was talking and she was looking at him like he was the only person in the world.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now