Wandless magic? Huh? No.

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Sandra was studying and watching Ophelia's stuff while Ophelia hunted for several books. She needed to work on a charms essay. And she needed a book for Primrose to read. She would get one for Sandra but she hated recreational reading.

She had a charms book under her arm as she continued to scour the shelf for another book to cross reference from. Once she had found it she returned to their table and set them down before she resumed her hunt.

She walked into the fiction section and scanning for something fabulous for her to read. She spotted Gone with the Wind on the top shelf. She was too short to reach it. She raised her hand and was concentrated on summoning the damn thing wandlessly. It began to tip over the edge and she got excited, then it began to fall. She was about to catch it albeit it would have bruised her nonetheless but she still would have caught it.

But it stopped and was suspended in the air before it was back on the shelf. She looked around and spotted one Tom Riddle leaning against the wall watching her openly amused. She scowled at him.

"Go ahead, try again." Said Tom as she rolled her eyes and tried again, getting it off the shelf before it stopped and went back to the top shelf.

"For the love of Merlin, Riddle, What is your problem?" She asked, and he smirked and walked over, plucking the novel from the shelf easily and handing it to her. "Thank you." She muttered before hitting his arm. "Why do you have to be a di- jerk."

"I am a star student, ask anyone and I don't know what a dejerk is." He replied easily. She turned on her heal to leave but he spoke again, "I could help you."

"With what?" She asked.

"Wandless magic." He replied, "unless you want to keep almost getting black eyes from books."

She turned to face him. "You want to help me." She said, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so hard to believe?" He asked.

"Yes." She said shortly, "I'll see you for patrols tonight, Riddle. Don't get there too early."

He said nothing as she walked away. Ophelia sat down opposite Sandra, who didn't look up at her. Sandra studied hard but didn't do the best. Her work ethic though was something that would take her far in life.

"What did Riddle want?" Asked Sandra, finally looking up at her.

"He just wanted to be a dick." Said Ophelia.

"So the usual." Said Sandra, looking at the book titles on Ophelia's side of the desk. "I like those charms books. But Merlins thoughts on Charms is a must, it's on the third shelf from the left."

"I love you, Sandy." Said Ophelia before hopping up and walking to the third shelf of the left. She scanned the titles and it wasn't there. Sighing, she walked back to her desk. "It wasn't there."

"Shame. You would've liked it. Merlin talked like you do sometimes." Said Sandra, scribbling not notes furiously.

"What are you working on?" Asked Ophelia, glancing at her notes.

"I'm creating my own spell." She said, and Ophelia walked around the table to sit beside her, "It's to make plants grow at an accelerated pace." Ophelia scanned her notes eagerly,  both girls rather adored plants. Hufflepuffs. So caring.

"That's so cool." She whispered. "So, how far along are you?"

"I don't know, but I think I'm close, I just have to figure out the wand movement." She said, as she set down her quill.

"You could just make it like those American spells, just point and shoot." Suggested Ophelia and Sandra looked thoughtful for a moment.

"There's a certain elegance to wand movement." She said.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now