Rehearsal dinner

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Ophelia hadn't slept with Tom. Sure she lied about her identity, her feelings for him, and literally everything but somehow cheating on Carl was just a step too far.

She was standing at their rehearsal dinner. She had explicitly told him she wanted a small wedding. And he had decided that seventy people was plenty small. She greeted everyone next to him, and smiled graciously as they entered the event hall, but she felt suffocated.

She smiled at the cameras and she kissed Carl's cheek to get the perfect shots in. She tried to avoid eye contact with Jason when he entered with some girl on his arm. In different circumstances she would be grilling the twenty something red head and embarrassing the shit out of Jason but no.

They were meant to be mere acquaintances. So she continued to greet people she barely even knew. She hugged her brother when he came through the door,

"Everything is going a smoothly, brother dearest," she said, in his ear,

"Happy to hear, sister dear," said Henry, setting her down and making his way to say hello to Carl, "Carl,"

He said, as they shook hands, "Daniel, happy you could come,"

"Happy to be here, the invitation did say open bar didn't it?" Asked Henry grinning,

"My kind of man," said Carl, "I'll show you," he looked to Ophelia for approval, she rolled her eyes smiling, he was trying to impress his only in law,

"Go, English, I'll be fine." She said, and he smiled at her before taking Henry to the bar,


"Goodness Gracious," exclaimed Ophelia and Lolita emerged laughing, "Don't sneak up on people like that, Delores,"

Lolita tried to suppress a shudder at the use of the name Delores, she hated it. But it had been the only light moment in Ophelia's relationship with Grindelwald, she had laughed so hard at the fact that Lolitas name would be Delores that she had actually thanked him.

"I'm sorry, Pops." She said, linking their arms together, "Now where are those in laws of yours?"

"Already inside," said Ophelia, smiling and greeting another set of ministry officials, "I've been told to call her mom, it's so sweet."

"Aww, adorable. I hope I can be as happy as you one day." She said,

"Don't hook up with anyone at my wedding." Said Ophelia deadly serious at how some of the groomsmen were looking at Lolita,

"I would never. I was thinking maybe after," said Lolita, waving at one who was handsome but certainly a few years older,

Ophelia laughed, "I am about to get a talk from my future mother in law on how to comport myself on the wedding night." Whispered Ophelia, "I must admit I'm a little nervous."

"So American," said Lolita,

"Delores, a man just walked in, what are the odds he recognizes me?" Asked Ophelia her eyes widening at the arrival of Jason's father,

"Already obliviated him." Said Lolita,

"You are the best, Delores." Said Ophelia, "Hello, thank you so much for coming,"

"You must be Poppy," said Mr Finnigan, shaking her hand,

"Yes, and you are?"

"Arthur Finnigan," said Mr Finnigan, Ophelia's eyes glanced into the hall where Jason was currently whispering something to his date who was probably blushing furiously, "You've met my son I see?"

"Yes, he helped me with the seating chart for this evening." She said,

"You are very polite for an American," said Arthur,

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