chapter two

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Third Person POV

"Okay, so.." Zoe announced, tucking a stand of hair behind her ear. "Connor and Miguel will go in Jared's truck. Alana and Evan will go in my car."
Jared nodded, opening his trunk. "Put your stuff in the trunk, guys"
"Yo lo llamo shotgun"( ♡ a / n ; i call shotgun ♡ ) Miguel declared, stuffing his bags into Jared's trunk.
Connor groaned, "Seriously, Zoe? If Jared doesn't make it, I totally didn't kill him."
"M-make sure Juh-Jared is s-safe, please.." Evan whispered to the short hispanic boy.
Miguel nodded. "Of course, Evvy-Wevvy!" Miguel said in an upbeat tone.
"C'mon guys, we have to go." Alana chimed in, opening the right door and getting in Zoe's car.


Evan's POV

We were halfway back to New Jeresy (♡ a/n : headcannon where jared n jeremy are cousins and deh universe is in new jeresy!! ♡ ) when Alana turned her head around and looked at me.
"You like Jared, don't you?" Alana smirked, pushing up her glasses.
"Lana'! You don't just ask someone that!" Zoe hissed back. "Sorry Ev', we know you like Jared, we just don't talk about it." She teased, which resulted in Alana shooting her a glare back "You're a hypocrite" she said sarcastically, laughing afterwards.
I felt my face heat up. I knew that if I opened my mouth, only stutters would come out.
"I-I-I u-uh,,"
That was the only that could come out of my mouth. Seriously, Evan?? You can't even tell your Ex-girlfriend and her best friend that you like a guy that you don't even think is gay?
I couldn't look at them. I played with the loose strings on my jacket, occasionally wiping my hands on the leather.
"Evan, look at me" Alana whispered. "We were joking, okay? We just think it's cute that you wanted Miguel to keep an eye out for Jared. I'm sorry."
I nodded my head, letting her know that I was listening to her.


The ride was quiet, we were almost at Jared's house when I couldn't take it anymore.
"I like J-Jared. It's j-just that he's s-straight and he would n-never like muh-muh-me." I blurted out, the red blush making a reappearance.
"Dude,," Zoe turned and looked at me. "He is so gay. Especially for you." Alana nodded in agreement.
"Puh-Puh-Prove it!" I spat back the blush on my face moving to my neck now.
"Okay! I will!" Zoe replied in a snarky tone.
My phone buzzed and I opened it. It was from our group chat.

☄💫 The Cool Kids ( and Jared) 💫☄

the insanely cute jared kleinman ;
We're almost at my house. Connor is crying because he
misses Miguel.

treevan ;
Awe! They're so cute.

the insanely cute jared kleinman ;
Me n ur mom are like that too ;))

Lan-Lan Beck 🏳️‍🌈;

treevan ;

Queen Miguel 👑 ;

King Connor 🎩 ;
Stfu Jared. You better stop stopping the car to text because I hate being in here with you.


I closed my phone and looked out the window.
"We're here!" Zoe exclaimed, parking the car.
I got out of the car and grabbed my bags from the truck. I made eye contact with Jared and he walked over to me shortly after.
Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing Don'tstartblushing
"Aye, Hansen! How was girl time?" Jared grinned, putting his arm around me.
Blush Town ; Population, Evan Hansen.
"I-it was fuh-fine." I replied, trying my hardest to keep my stutter to a minimum.

I promise it'll get more romantic soon 💕

Stay cool guys!
Sincerely, Emmie


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