chapter fourteen

55 9 6

date : december 27th

(timeskip : two days)


third person pov

evan woke up alot earlier than jared did. jared had fallen asleep in evan's arms the night before so that's where he was when evan woke up. 

evan stared at his boyfriend, admiring his features. his hair was messed up from lying on the pillow. his lips were parted an inch or so and evan could hear his slow breathing. his glasses were off, so his eyes were alot smaller. he had marks on his face that were freckles or beautymarks. his face was like a canvas and his freckles and beauty marks are like splotches of paint.

 evan couldn't help himself anymore and laid a soft kiss on jared's chapped lips. jared's eyes fluttered open, smiling at the sight of evan.

"good morning, evvie." jared smiled, turning around and reaching for his glasses. he placed them on his face and ajusted them, so he can see. he placed another kiss on jared's lips, jared kissing back this time. "good m-morning j-jared." evan said, yawning. jared sat up out of the bed, stretching. evan sat up, leaning on his headboard. "can i take a shower?" evan nodded his head. jared walked out of the room and closed the door, leaving evan alone in his thoughts.


jared opened the door, his towel covering his top and bottom halves of his body. his hair was covering his eyes. even though he had his glasses on, he couldn't see. "j-jared? w-why are you wearing a t-towel for your t-top half? i've seen your c-chest before." jared didn't say anything, he just tried to put a pair of evans boxers and a tee-shirt on, without the towels falling off. it was very difficult. evan motioned for jared to sit down on the bed. he sat down, looking at his lap.

"j-jared. are you okay? l-look at me." he said, lifting jared's head up, brushing the hair out of his eyes. jared's face was bright red, tears running down his face. he didn't say anything, only sobs and sniffles were heard from him. 

"e-evan." jared sniffled out. "do you t-think i'm t-too fat?" evan gave jared a look of disbelief, wrapping his arms around him. "j-jared n-no. i don't t-think you're fat a-at all! why would you think t-that you a-are?" jared cried into evan's shoulder. "i w-was looking i-in the mirror, a-and i s-saw that i h-have too much b-body fat." evan looked at jared in his eyes. "j-jared andrew k-kleinman. i d-don't care what y-you look l-like. i'll l-like you n-no matter w-what." jared fumbled with his shirt taking it off, revealing his freckled chest with stretch marks from a growth spurt in the 6th grade. the last time he grew.

evan gasped, burying his face in jared's chest. "i l-love your b-body so much." he muffled out. "i'll l-love every part of i-it." he praised him, kissing his body all over. "w-what else d-d-do you want to s-see?" jared stuttered out, sniffling still. evan rubbed jared's thigh, his fingers trailing all over his chest. evan looked down at jared's lap, now seeing scars and cuts that were healing.

evan tensed up, looking at the cuts on his inner thighs. "j-jared? what i-is this?" evan felt tears fall down his face. 

jared panicked, wrapping his arms around him. evan pushed him away, wiping the tears from his face. "w-why didn't you t-tell me this? i t-thought that you TRUSTED m-me!" he cried out, his hands shaking and his breathing tensing up.

"e-evan, i'm so-" evan cut him off. "i L-LOVE you, okay? i d-don't want to l-lose you, jared k-kleinman! i d-don't want t-to lose you l-like i lost my d-dad." he sobbed out, hugging jared. "i-i love you t-too." jared pecked him on the lips. "w-why did y-you do i-it?" evan asked, his fingers trailing over his cuts. " m-my anxiety, m-my d-dependency issues, m-my trust i-issues. i could go on." jared answered, rubbing his eyes.

"jared. i-i love you. if y-you need to talk t-to me about /anything/ you c-can." evan wrapped his arms around jared, rubbing his back. jared nodded, the room filling with silence. evan broke the silence. 

"you look s-sexy in m-my s-shorts." evan giggled, trying to flirt with jared. 

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