chapter three

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( ♡ a/n: now we're finna get some content so yee-yee,, ty for the inspiration bo burnham)

(We getting some smut next chapter so :>)

Third Person POV

Jared grabbed his key and opened the door, motioning for all of his friends to walk in.
After they all arrived in the living room, he stated "Ok, Alana and Zoe can share the guest room. Connor can-"
Connor cut him off. "I dibs the couch!"
"Okay.. I didn't finish my sentence." Jared dragged the 'y' out. "You can put your stuff in my room. Evan, you can sleep in my old room."
Evan looked up from his phone. "B-but wait, where w-will you sleep?"
"I can get some sleep on the arm chair or something" he replied, gesturing to the reclining chair.
"Juh-Jared, i'm not kicking y-you out of your r-room." Evan argued with him.
"Evan, please just take the damn room." The shorter boy shot back, groaning.
"How about you both share the room. It's not like you haven't shared a bed before." Alana chimed in, smirking at Evan.
Evan's cheeks flushed red again, thinking about sharing a bed with Jared.
Jared chuckled. "Fine, but we aren't gonna fuck or do any kinky shit you're into."


Evan's POV

After we unpacked our things, Connor suggested that a few of us should go out and get snacks and party games we can play, since Jared's mom has work and a Christmas party tonight (♡ a/n: Jared's mom works with Heidi, which is how Evan n Jared know eachother).
So, now Connor and Alana are out shopping for our party / sleepover.
Which would leave me and Jared by ourselves.
Thank god for Zoe Murphy.
I looked down at my hands, which were once again sweating. I was gonna say something, to start a conversation with them when my phone buzzed.
It's probally Connor or Alana asking the groupchat about snacks.
I opened my phone, it's Zoe.
Why would she message me if she's sitting right next to me??
Zoe Smurf-y

Zoe Smurf-y ;
I see you staring at Jared again. Y'all really need to get together n start dating. 👀👀

treevan ;
What?? Me staring at Jared? NoOoooo-

Zoe Smurf-y ;
Dude, you SUCK at lying!
You never said you didn't want to date him tho~

treevan ;

Zoe Smurf-y ;
Ok ew that's gross, Evan. I bet I can prove to you that Jared Kleinman is gayer than you think.

treevan ;
I doubt that but okay.

I turned off my phone and stared at Zoe, still blushing at the thought of dating Jared.
"WE'RE BACK BITCHES!" Connor exclaimed, carrying bags of snacks and drinks.
Jared cheered and got up to help Alana with her bags.
He is so freaking cute, ohmigosh-
"I'm gonna order Pizza for us, guys. Then the party can start!" Jared smiled, grabbing his phone and calling a pizza parlour.


Third Person POV

Once the pizza had arrived, the friends were all sitting in the living room, laughing and making jokes.
"And that was the story of how I almost choked on a dime." Jared laughed, finishing his story.
"I guess you can say that story didn't make any cents." Alana replied, teasing Jared.
The room filled with laughter.
"Good one, Alana" Connor said, wiping tears from his eyes.
Zoe arrived in the living room again, with another slice of pizza.
"I have an idea, guys" she chimed in. "Why don't we play would you rather?"
"Yeah! That would be fun! Right, Evan?" Jared turned to Evan, smiling.
Evan blushed, nodding his head.


Once they all finished eating, they all sat in a circle, starting to play 'Would you Rather'.
"Okay Connor." Alana started. "Would you rather lose your feet forever or lose your hands forever?"
"What the fuck kinda question is that, Alana?" Jared exclaimed, adjusting his glasses.
"Yeah, really." Zoe agreed.
"I didn't know what to say!" Alana replied, laughing.
"I guess i'd rather have no feet, because I can still be able to hold stuff." Connor said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Kinky!" Jared chimed in, resulting in getting shoved by Zoe.
"Anyways." Zoe said, continuing the game. "Jared, would you rather.. date Monica or Chandler?"
"Kinda weird since they're married." Jared replied. "But Chandler is fucking hot and i'm gay so him I guess."
This shocked Evan. He turned to Zoe who gave him an 'I told you so, bitch' look on her face.
"Wuh-wait,, you're g-gay??" Evan blurted out.
"Yeah. It's kinda obvious that he's gay." Connor giggled at Evan's denseness.
"Yeah, i'm gay, Ev." Jared beamed with pride.
"Evan, would you rather sit on the lap of the person that I choose or call your mom and tell her that you got someone pregnant." Connor announced, a huge grin on his face.
Zoe screamed and started to laugh. "Oh. My. Fucking. God. I can't-"
Jared cut her off. "These are both so bad oh Jesus. "
"My mom would kill me, so i'll sit on someones lap." Evan said, rubbing his hands on his shirt.
"Okay, Evan. Sit on Jared's lap." Connor ordered to Evan.

Evan's POV



(♡a/n: i finished this chapter!! yayaayayya dkskksksks. hopefully you guys enjoy this series. i'm drawing designs of all the characters rn ♡)

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