chapter fifteen

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a/n : me? wearing my bmc merch, writing a kleinsen fic, AND listening to 21 chump street?? 

y es

TW : OVER PROTECTIVE/ JEALOUS EVAN (he also gets kinda grabby n touchy oops-)


third person pov 

after the big argument, the two boys angst session turned into a cuddle session. jared had brought up shopping for the gang's big new years party, so evan agreed that once the episode of stevens universe that they're watching is over, they'd go to the local store. one episode turned into three and then three turned into five. 

"evan" jared groaned, dragging the 'n'. "we have to go. i'm gonna get dressed and i want you to turn off the tv and put your shoes on." jared pleaded to him. evan nodded back, folding the blanket that they were cuddling under and placing it on the couch. jared walked upstairs and grabbed a pair of ripped jeans from jared's packed bookbag. he grabbed a shirt with an obscure band no one heard of, and pair of fishnets. he walked down the stairs, pride in his eyes.

evan put on his boots (totally not uggs ;) ) , and turned around once he heard jared's footsteps. "y-you look. u-uh h-h-hot-" evan stuttered out, blushing rapidly. jared beamed, smiling. he walked over to the front door, where his vans were and slid them on. "you're too kind, my love." jared said, pecking his lips. "let's go" jared smiled, grabbing evan's hand and leading him to his car.

throughout the car ride, jared played music that evan didn't know the words to, admiring his boyfriend's singing voice. evan gushed, smiling and staring at the man, tapping his foot to the music.

 once they reached the store jared ran out of the car and locked the doors, evan trailing behind him. jared ran to a shopping cart and stood on the bottom beam, pushing himself. evan giggled at jared. "y-you're a d-dork." evan said. "a dork that would bite your dick off." jared shot back, sticking his tounge out. evan turned red. "h-hey! you w-wouldn't do that!" jared gave him a look back that had "try me" all over it.


jared was pushing the cart through the isle that had chips, salsa, and assorted dry treats. he stopped pushing the cart and looked for bags of chips to buy. "i-i'm gonna g-get frozen t-treats. be r-right back!" evan said, walking away, leaving jared by himself.

 a teen boy who didn't look older then 18 walked over to jared, smirking. "so.. what's a pretty cute boy like you doin by yerself in a store?" he chirped at him, flashing his teeth. "first of all." he stated. " i'm literally twenty. second of all, i have a boyfriend." the teen laughed loudly. "no you do not. i don't see him anywhere." he leaned down and whispered in his ear. "you don't need to lie to me, sexy." the boy continued to try to touch jared, hoping his plans to get jared home would work.

evan walked down to the isle where jared stood, a teen boy trying to seduce him. evan sped over to him, quickly wrapping his arm around jared's waist. "j-jared. i got hot p-pockets and p-pizza rolls." he said, placing the boxes softly into the cart. evan kissed jared's temple, shooting a glare at the teen. "b-baby? who is t-this?" he said calmly, his patience running thin. "he's leaving. " jared hissed out, the boy walked away fast, going god knows where. 

evan and jared continued to walk down the isles, occasionally picking up items and placing them in the cart. evan made sure to have his hand on jared at all times, so no one tried to do anything. evan had his hands on his shoulder, around his waist, on his ass-


once they paid for all of their items, jared drove the two back home. jared grabbing the bags, evan insisting that he could help, but jared refused. evan helpled jared put the groceries away because he felt bad.

"j-jared. i'm sorry for l-leaving you alone. t-the guy c-could've k-kidnapped y-you!" he cried out, hugging jared. jared nodded. "it's fine. can we do something?" evan looked confused, shrugging his shoulders. jared led evan up to his room, lying on his bed. saying two words that would make evan very happy;

"fuck me."


a/n: 👀👀

-- sincerely emmie

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