chapter nine

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jared's pov

i continued to eat the turkey my mom made while talking to my family. 

"so, jared. how is school?" uncle paul asked, shoveling vegtables in his mouth.

"it's good! i am still going to be a web desi-" i was cut off with my phone vibrating. i opened up my phone and read the message.

i re-read it like three times.

"jeremy-" i nudged him with my elbow, showing him my phone. jeremy read the message and choked on his water.

"WHAT THE FU-" jeremy screamed out, still choking.

"JEREMIAH HEERE NO CUSSING" michael exclaimed, which led jeremy to show him the message. michael just gasped and laid his head on the table, muffled sobs heard from him, cackles coming out of jeremy's mouth.

"what? what does it say?" my mom asked, trying to see the phone.

"yeah, mom no. you're not reading this." i grabbed the phone from michael.

"yeah, i have to agree with jared, aunt susan." jeremy agreed, nodding.

"let me type something!!" michael screamed out, grabbing the phone back.

the insanely cute jared kleinman :

if i was a garder you'd be my hoe.

michael handed the phone back to me, wheezing. i read over the message.


i showed jeremy the message and his lip quivered from him holding in his laughs.

"that's--" he started to say. "amazing."

"jeremy you're NOT helping!" i shot back at him, blushing.

"he's gonna like it." michael said, his laughter calming down.


evan's pov

i had forced payton to help me ice the cookies because of his message to jared. my phone buzzed on the counter and payton picked it up, his mouth forming to an 'O' shape.

"w-what? what did h-he say?" i panicked, trying to grab the phone. he held it away from me, still reading the message.

"he said 'if you were a gardener, you'd be my hoe' " payton chuckled. "your boyfriend is funny."

"he's n-not my b-boYFRIEND!!" i yelled at him, my face heating up.

"/oh/" he said. "i thought you were dating. "

"nO! w-we're not d-dating! i mean--  i-i wish we were-" 

"just tell him how you feel! he wouldn't use a pickup line on you if he DIDN'T like you!"

i sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "you sure?"

"evan. i'm positive." payton replied.

"i'm g-gonna kill you if this d-doesn't work out, p-payton hobart." i shot back. i grabbed my phone from payton's hand and shot jared a text.

treevan :

jared. can we talk seriously for a moment? man to man? it's important.

the insanely cute jared kleinman :

yeah, ofc evvy! what's up? :)

treevan : 

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