chapter seven

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date : december 24th 

christmas eve  !!


jared's pov

the house felt empty.  evan left for his mom's house , she was inviting her family over for a party and it was /mandatory/ for him to come. connor and zoe left for their parents house. the same with alana and miguel.

i looked up at my ceiling, the glowing stars,  not glowing as much as the night's before.

"jared--" my mother reached my doorway, putting her hands on the doorway and panting "why aren't you ready?"

"because--" i put my glasses on, looking at her. "i don't want to do this."

"jared." my mother sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "/everyone/ will be here in two hours."

i groaned, getting out of bed. my mom gave me a bright red sweater with green sleeves. 

"what the hell is this?" i muttered out, pushing up my glasses and rubbing my eyes.

"the sweater grams made last year. jeremy is wearing his, so you're wearing yours. to match."


jeremiah heere.

my cousin.

he is one of my closest friends. which is weird, since we're cousins. 

haven't seen him since my senior graduation. 

"ok, fine." i said "can you go so i can change?" my mom nodded her head, closing the door and walking out.

i looked in the mirror of my bathroom to see the horrendous sweater on me.

it was red and green, like i said. but the worst thing about this sweater is that it has a a huge menorah on it. i turned on my faucet and fixed my hair, from a bed head to a more presentable look.

"jared --!" my mother called out, from down the stairs. "help me get the food platters out and put the turkey in the oven!"

i sighed, walking down the stairs as slow as possible. once my mother laid her eyes on me, she let out the loudest 'awee' i've ever heard.

"jared ! you look so adorable !" she gushed. i groaned in response, letting her know that i /hate/ this sweater.

she rolled her eyes in response. "just help me get ready okay?" i nodded my head back to her, and went into the kitchen.


i was sitting in my basement. it looks like it hasn't been redecorated since the 70's. but i like it like that. everything was totally normal, until--

"jared!" my mother called out. "everyone is here!" i sighed, once again and slumped myself up the stairs. 

"jared." my mother said, through gritted teeth. "say 'hi'." she motioned to my family , who was now standing in the doorway.

"hey guys." i greeted all my family with a hug and a kiss. i turned over to my mother. 

"where's uncle paul and jeremy?" i asked, a confused look on my face.

my mother looked up from her phone. "he just texted me. paul said they'll be here soon."

i nodded, walking over to the couch and looking at my phone, scrolling through reddit looking for memes. it felt like only two seconds had passed until i heard.

"hi aunt susan !" i heard a voice greet. i turned my head around to see jeremy, uncle paul, and ... michael ?

i shot up out of my seat and ran over to the three males. "jeremy!" i yelled out, he separated himself from my mom.

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