chapter eight

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a/n : so sorry for not updating yesterday !! my great grandfather passed recently and we had a funeral for him (in our cars,  ofc,,) and i facetimed my uncle and aunt afterwards. also ,, more kleinsen art woo woo !! 


evan's pov

i lied my phone on my bed and sighed, my eyes focused on the ceiling. i slowly shot out of bed to look for my mom like i told jared that i would. once i walked down the stairs, i had seen my mom. i tried my hardest for me not to be seen by any of my family. once i made it to her, i tapped her on her shoulder. she turned around and looked up at me.

"evan?"  she asked "what's wrong?"

"c-can we talk? a-alone?" my mom nodded her head and led me to the side, where no one would see us.

"what's wrong, evan?"

i tried my hardest not to break down, my voice getting shaky. "i-i don't want a-anyone to really a-ask questions anymore."

my mother nodded her head. "i'll tell them, okay? if they continue, you only have to answer questions you feel comforble answering. "

"t-thank you, m-mommy" i said, hugging her. she hugged me back for a few seconds and seperated herself. "i need to continue making the food, evan. go talk to your cousin payton or something. i'll let you know if i need help."

i looked over to payton, who was hanging on the sofa, upside down. he was facetiming his boyfriend that he told everyone about when he first came over. atleast he has someone that likes him.

i decided that i'd text jared again. just to let him know how everything went, of course. and maaaybe because i like talking to him. maybe.

treevan : 

i told my mom. i think she's talking to them right now. thank you for being awesome <3


jared's pov

i was sitting next to jeremy and my grandma, talking about inside jokes and random topics one of us would bring up when my phone vibrated on the table.

"jared?" my mom looked up from her food. "would you like to take that?"

i nodded my head and opened my phone and read the message. 

"dude!" jeremy yelled out, my face turning red.

"jEREMY OH MY GOD-" michael exclaimed, grabbing onto his boyfriend. "yOu'RE SO LOUD!"

"sorry, micha." he grinned. "it's just-- look!" he grabbed my phone and showed michael.

michael laughed at the message and looked at me. "bro. you think evan doesn't like you? he sent you a HEART. that is like-- super gay."

"evan sent you a heart?" my mom asked peeking at the message. she squealed and clapped her hands together, causing me to turn more red.

"i helped him talk to heidi. so he was just thanking me!" i replied, pouting.

"send him something back" grandma whispered.

"send him a pickup line!" uncle paul suggested, enjoying this entertainment. 

"ooh! use this one that i used on jeremy!" michael said, grinning. "i cannot think straight around you~. with a winky face at the end" 

jeremy loudly wheezed, pounding on the table. "uSe iT,, uSe iT!!"

the insanely cute jared kleinman  :

i cannot think straight around you ;)c

"if this doesn't work, i'm kicking you in your throat." i sighed, looking a michael.


evans pov

i was helping my mom ice the cookies that she made when my phone vibrated. 

"mom? can i take this?"

she nodded her head as i walked to the couch and sat down, next to payton. i read the message and my face turned red.

"what?" payton asked looking over at me and then my phone. "oooohhh." he laughed. he took my phone and typed something back to jared. "this is good. i used this on river and now we've been dating for almost a year."

treevan : 

i WILL go down on you like a popsicle. >;)

payton handed my phone back to me and nodded, wiggling his eyebrows. i read the message and screamed. "payTON I CAN'T SAY THAT TO HIM--"

"but you did now--" he shrugged, looking back at his phone. 

i stared at my phone waiting for jared to respond. i am /so/ fucking scared. the three dots appeared on the screen.



a/n : oops clifhanger y'all. also i added payton if you catch my drift and get my references *wink wonk* ;> we'll get some good shit soon i swear.

i also love your comments so much and they make me so happy. i cannot thank you guys enough.

—sincerely emmie

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