chapter six

79 9 16

date : december 23rd

evan's pov

my eyes fluttered open  and i shot out of jared's bed . i looked over to the other side of me to see that jared wasn't there . 

jared opened his bedroom door , a towel wrapped around his waist . 

my face turned bright red and i turned away .

" eVan ohmigosh—! i didn't know you were gonna be awake !" jared blurted out . " just,, /please/ grab your clothes and get out . we need to get ready for the ceremony . "

i scrambled out of his bed and grabbed my backpack full of clothes. i rushed out of his room and slammed the door behind me.

"ohoho—" connor laughed from the couch , bitter coffee in his hand . " what went on there ? " alana rushed over and smacked connor's head.

"ow ! what the fuck alana ! " connor blurted out .

" you were gonna say a snarky comment and i'm not taking that around here . snarky comments are me and zoe's job." alana shot back, sticking her tounge out .

connor glared at her and took a sip out of his drink .

"jared ,, naked ,, shower ,, " i breathed out , panting from running too fast.

" kinky ! " zoe yelled from the kitchen .

i ignored their stupid antics and walked into the bathroom to change .


when i walked out jared was sitting on the couch, a coffee in his hand. he was talking to alana and connor.

"oh— hey, evan!" alana flashed a toothy grin.

"h-hi , alana !" i replied,  smiling at her . "hi j-jared." 

"hi evan,," jared muttered, looking at his lap.

"is this about what happened in your room ?" connor laughed.

"i-i'm sorry, jared." i sighed, hitting my shoes together .

"it's okay evan , i didn't know you were awake ." jared responded , with a smile.

i felt my cheeks heat up.

a smile that can kill.

i sat on the arm chair when my phone buzzed.

zoe smurphy added treevan, lan-lan beck 🏳️‍🌈, queen miguel 👑, and king connor 🎩 to a chat.

              zoe smurphy changed the chats name to "operation get evan a boyfriend !! "


wh-what is this ??

zoe smurphy:

we're planning on getting you a boyfriend (*cough* jared *cough*) before the break ends.

lan-lan beck 🏳️‍🌈:




queen miguel 👑:

 y e s !!

king connor 🎩: 

we doin' this y'all 

queen miguel 👑: 

yeah no offence connor, but plEASE don't talk like that.

it's gross.


we left the house to pick miguel up before we go ice skating. 

once we finally got there, jared scrambled out of the car and stared at the ice.

"guys !!" jared exclaimed,  like a cute little kid. "look at the ice !!" 

connor grabbed miguels hand and dragged him to a building that held the ice skating equipment.

" evanevanevanevan—" jared rambled. "we gotta get skates !" jared grabbed my arm, causing my face to turn pink, he dragged me to the building.


once we got the skates, we hit the ice. this is gonna stink. i /cannot/ skate at ALL.

"connor and i are gonna do our thing" miguel said, holding connors hand and skating off, most likely to alana and zoe, who were already on the ice.

"evan ! come on !" jared giggled, pulling me onto the ice.

once we hit the ice, i felt my feet slip. jared grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"i guess you're falling for me, hansen." jared said, with a smug grin.

"i— uh—" i stuttered out, a red blush on my face.

"you're /really/ bad at this, hansen." jared commented, helping me skate.

once i got the hang of it, i could start to skate by myself.

"how are y-you so good at t-this juh-jared?" i asked.

"my mom used to take me here all the time. before she started her full time job working with your mom."

jared is so cute. i just want to kiss hi—

"earth to evvy? come in evvy? i thought i was the one who wanted to be an astronaut. " jared giggled. "the ceremony is gonna start!" he grabbed me and pulled me to the tree, next to connor and miguel.

"there you guys are!" zoe exclaimed, a shocked grin on her face.

i awkwardly giggled to myself, focusing my eyes on the big tree infront of us.

once the tree lit up, jared started to squeal.


connor laughed. "now that this is finally over, we can go home and eat. miguel's mom is worried."

once we returned our skates, we crowded into  zoe's little car.


me and jared walked into his room after eating and we changed.

"do you wanna watch a movie on my computer?"

i nodded as i sat on his bed. he grabbed his computer from his desk and sat on the bed next to me.

"can w-we watch f-finding nemo?" i asked, as he scrolled through his disney+.

"yeah, of course!" jared replied with a smile.

when we got an hour in i looked over, only to see jared sleeping. i took his glasses off and turned off the computer.

"goodnight, jared kleinman."

i think i have a chance with jared.


a/n: woAaH i am on a r o l l ,, this is really bad so i'm sorry—

— sincerely, emmie

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