chapter four

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a/n : might as well update before bway jackbox starts ,, thank you for the postive feedback y'all !! i love you guys !!

TW : SMUT (masturbation)


third person pov

" connor . " zoe said , laughing . " you know evan will NOT sit on jared's lap" 

" that's exactly why he /should/ do it ! " the pale boy shot back, sticking his tounge out.

evan looked at connor , than at jared . he looked like he saw a ghost .

" i- uh ,," evan squeaked out . 

" just get it over with . jesus fuck . "  connor groaned , motioning to jared's lap .

evan scooted over to jared , who was as red as a tomato. he crawled into his lap , trying not to put all his weight onto him .

alana giggled at the two boys . " if miguel was here , he'd be having a gay breakdown . " connor and zoe agreed, nodding their heads .


jared's pov

evan hansen is on my lap .

evan fucking hansen .

evan " i'm so cute, i love trees uwuwuwu" hansen .

don't freak out jared . it's just the cutest boy that you've ever laid your eyes on . he's just chillin' on your lap .

the rest of the gang continued to play the game , ignoring whatever was going on between me and evan .

i need something to keep my mind off of this adorable boy on my lap .

" hey , ev ? " i started to ask 

he hummed in response .

" can i play with your hair ? " i whispered,  trying to keep " this " on the down low .

" u-uh yeah .. i g-guess ." he responsed, his stutter very visible .

i took some of his really curly blonde hair into my hand , twirling it around . even though i am having a gay moment , i'm glad i am /this close/ to evan .

" your hair is really soft . " i whispered into his ear .


evan's pov

" your hair is really soft " he said in a voice that gives me goosebumps .

i whimpered in return.

fuck. i'm such a baby .

i played with the hem of my shirt, trying to ignore the fact that i was sitting in jared's lap.

jared .

y'know the one that i obviously have a crush on ?

i was sweating now . my heart is beating so loud i'm surprised jared doesn't hear it .

jared is still playing with with my hair .

/ what if he was pulling your hair ? /

/ what if he was pinning you to his bed, praising you and touching you ? /

/ what if he fu- /

without even thinking, i shot up out of jared's lap .

" evan ,, are you okay ? " zoe asked, visible concern on her face .

" i-i'm fine !! i just g-gotta use the b-bathroom ." i replied, running upstairs as fast as i could.

i got to the bathroom and locked the door .

                                                                       ~ incoming smut !! ~

i sat on the toilet and stared at the tent in my pants. 

"mother fucker." i breathed out, in a whisper.

am i seriously going to jack off to my best friend?

my /gay/ best friend who i am in love with.

i unzipped my khakis  and pulled them down to my ankles.

i guess i'm doing this. 

i palmed myself through my boxers, letting out groans while doing it.

i continued to palm myself, but doing it faster this time .

my dick sprung out, excited for the sudden contact. 

i grabbed my length and started to pump it.

" mmm- oh fUck !! " i moaned out , covering my mouth quickly after.

you /don't/ want anyone to catch you. especially jared .

i imagined jared ripping my clothes off with force, and kissing all over my body, leaving hickeys while doing so. he was praising me, calling me "his good boy". 

i imagined him jerking me off, instead of me . i imagined him giving me a blowjob, licking my tip and tasting me.

i rubbed my thumb across my tip and suddenly came all over my hand .

"j-jArEd~!" i yelped out, covering my mouth again.

/ i can't believe i just did that. /


a/n : and i can't believe i just wrote that ,, that was the smut that no one asked for but i gave it to y'all so sorry ._."

aha i hope you enjoyed that because i didn't. 



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