chapter thirteen

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a/n : 300+ reads?? whaaat?? i'm still shocked my book hit 50 reads!! thank you!


third person pov

"evan! jared's here!" heidi called out, startling evan. evan placed the figure on his desk. he opened his door and walked down the stairs, his eyes meeting jared's. he was wearing a red and green turtleneck sweater with jean overalls and boots. 

"hi heidi!" jared smiled hugging evan's mom, once he seperated from her, he complimented on her appearance, saying that her looks were passed down to her gorgeous son. 

once evan reached the bottom of the stair case, he admired his new boyfriend. "hi jare-" evan was cut off by jared running over and hugging him, his face in evan's chest. "you look really cute." his voice was muffled.  evan blushed as he played with the shorter boys hair. the hug felt like it was only for 3 seconds but it was for alot longer.

"why don't you two sit down!" heidi chimed in, walking into the kitchen. evan nodded his head, leading evan to his leather couch. jared sat down, almost sinking into the couch. evan giggled at the boy and sat down next to him. "jared! do you want coffee?" heidi asked, grabbing the pot. "yes, please." jared answered. heidi poured a cup and handed it to him. "thank you" jared smiled. 

evan watched jared take a long sip of the brown goop. "h-how do y-you drink t-that?" evan grimaced, looking at the drink. jared shrugged his shoulders. "i barely get sleep sometimes, and coffee keeps me up." evan looked concerned for jared. "you should really get a better sleep schedule." evan grabbed jared's hand, smiling.

evan kissed jared's cheek. "it's cute that you worry about me, but i'll be okay." jared pouted. "what's wrong, baby?" evan  asked, looking at jared. "you missed my lips." he answered, still pouting. evan motioned to his lap. "sit down,  baby boy." he smirked. jared put the mug down on a coaster and crawled onto his lap, facing him. he placed a kiss on his lips, their mouths interlocking like puzzle pieces. jared's hands flew to evan's hair, playing with it. evan's hands trailed down to jared's ass and put his hands in his back pockets. jared opened his mouth, letting evan explore it.

heidi cleared her throat. "boys." she smiled. "maybe you shouldn't be doing this right here." jared seperated himself from evan, still sitting on his lap. evan was bright red and jared had a shit eating grin on his face. "sorry m-mommy." evan squeaked out. jared leaned over to evan. "maybe later, prince." evan could feel his smirk on his skin. jared crawled out of his lap, sitting next to him again. he was staring to finish his coffee. 


jared sat on the couch,  his head in evan's lap. they were watching a random christmas movie that jared could quote from the top of his head. "this is my mom's favorite christmas movie." jared looked up at evan, smiling.

evan heard the door open and he swung his head around. connor, miguel, zoe, and alana filled the house. they were all talking over eachother, filling the living room. the talking stopped when they saw jared in evans lap. "what's going on?" alana's eyes widened,  looking at the two. jared shot up out of his lap and look at the gang.

"u-uh" evan looked like he saw a ghost. "m-me and j-jared are- w-we are.. uh--" jared cut evan off, smiling. 

"we're dating." zoe squealed loudly, clasping her hands together. connor and miguel gave the two a hug. "congrats ev and jare!" miguel chimed in. 

"hopefully jared will be less annoying now." connor muttered, which led to miguel to smack him. they seperated from evan and jared and sat onto the floor.

heidi grabbed her coat. "i'm going to go to susan's house. we're going to gossip!" heidi walked out of the house, blowing her son a kiss. "b-bye mommy! l-love you."

zoe grabbed the bags of presents they brough. "so,," she said. "how about we open some presents?"

once they all finished opening the presents that they got each other, they all sat down and watched alot of christmas movies. connor and miguel left to eat dinner at miguels house after the first movie was over, alana and zoe leaving a little while after.

"s-so.. it's j-j-just the two of u-us." evan smirked, pinning jared to the couch and kissing him all over. jared squirmed around, making little noises. "evaaaaan~" jared whined, pushing the boy off. "you're a horndog." jared laughed. evan frowned, bouncing his leg. "i'm sorry-" jared crawled into evan's lap again. "i just don't want to do anything right now, baby. i want our first to be special. not on your mom's couch with frosty the snowman playing in the backround."


heidi came home to the two boys in evan's bed, evan spooning jared. heidi snapped a picture and sent it to susan. "goodnight, boys." she smiled, walking out of the room and closing the door.

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