chapter twelve

58 8 13

date : december 25th

christmas day !!


third person pov (focused on evan)

evan's eyes fluttered open from the sound of his phone alarm going off. his arm stretched over to his nightstand to stop the obnoxious noise. he groaned and stretched out of bed. "merry christmas, me." evan muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes. his phone buzzed. when he opened it, it was revealed to be a text from jared.

baby boy jare 😣💜 :

good morning, evvy. merry christmas. can't wait to see you today 💕💕.

treevan :

good morning, baby boy. merry christmas. <3


evan walked into his bathroom to brush his teeth and pee. once he was finished, he walked down stairs to see his mother, heidi making pancakes.

"merry christmas, evan!" she said, turning around and walking over to hug him. he hugged back and rubbed his eyes. "merry christmas mommy" evan replied, hugging back.

"the squad is coming over later. is that okay, mommy?" evan asked, grabbing milk and a glass, pouring himself a drink. heidi nodded her head, finishing the pancakes. she put them on a plate and placed them on the table. evan sat down and started to pick at the pancakes, shoveling little pieces in his mouth. heidi sat down after, a cup of coffee in her hand.

"so." heidi said. "you and jared huh?"  evan turned pink, smiling. "yeah, we're dating. i really like him alot." he took another bite of his pancake, thoughts of his boyfriend filling his head. "that's nice, you guys are adorable." she said, sipping her coffee. evan finished his pancakes and put the plate and his empty cup in the sink.

"susan texted me. jared will be over in 1 hour or so. get ready quick and get downstairs so you can open the presents i got you!" heidi called out, now sitting on her brown leather couch.

evan ran upstairs to change into fancier clothes and grab his presents for his friends and now boyfriend. evan put on a light blue button down shirt with tan khakis. he put on a belt and fixed his hair in a mirror, brushing it out. evan walked downstairs to see his mom sitting on the couch, coffee in one and and a camera in the other. he felt like he was nine again.

evan placed his presents for his friends by his televison stand and grabbed one of the presents, the wrapping paper was purple and blue, covered in little daisies. evan opened up the present to see a special edition to his favorite book, "the fault in our stars." he was always a sucker for romatic books. evan let out a little squeak and smiled. "let me see!" heidi grinned, flashing a picture of evan. 

evan opened another present, with the same wrapping paper. there was a vinyl figure inside of evan's favorite pokemon, bulbasaur.  (a/n: aka the best pokemon) the pokemon was his favorite because it reminded him of his childhood.


"evan! look look!" a 9 year old jared called out, showing him a cartridge. evan walked over, a confused look on his face. "w-w-what is t-that?" he asked, inspecting the cartridge. "it's pokemon green for the gameboy!" jared cheered, a grin forming. "my mom got i for me! wanna check it out?" he asked, handing him the gameboy.

evan hesitantly took the gameboy and turned it on, starting the game. evan's eyes widened as the screen illuminated, text showing "hello! welcome to pokemon! are you a boy or a girl?" evan clicked "boy" and watched the professor explain the concept of pokemon. jared sat next to him on his couch, fascinated by the game. once the screen that asked what pokemon evan wanted he turns over and asks a question; "w-w-which one d-do i p-pick?" jared shrugged his shoulders. "whichever you want, evvie!" jared exclaimed, grinning. evan inspected each pokemon, then laying his eyes on bulbasaur. evan giggled "he l-l-looks like a t-tree!" evan picked bulbasaur, and played jared's game until his gameboy died and susan took him home. that year he begged heidi for his own gameboy and pokemon game. 

that's when he realized that his mom didn't make as much money as he thought.

~end flashback.~

evan finished opening his presents, heidi telling him to put the gifts in his room. once he reached his room, he lied on his bed, staring at the bulbasaur funko, oh.. how it reminded him of ja-

"honey!" heidi called out. "jared's here!"


a/n: yes i included some extra cute baby kleinsen fluff.

-sincerely emmie !!

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