chapter five

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a/n : woAh i'm updating two days in a row !!


third person pov

evan washed his hands and wiped them on one of the towels. he walked down the stairs and back to the circle that the gang was sitting in.

" evan, are you okay?" jared looked up at him, cheeks pink.

evan shot him a thumbs up, not looking at him for he was too embarrased to look at him.

connor yawned, stretching his arms.

" i'm getting tired, can you guys like— leave so i can change and sleep?" connor chuckled at his rudeness. 

alana and zoe got up, one after another and walked up to their room. 

"goodnight , guys !" zoe yelled from up the stairs.

"nite !" alana chimed in.

evan stood there, staring between jared and connor. 

"evan, you're sleeping with jared, right?" connor asked, a smug grin on his face.

" whaT?" evan exclaimed before realizing what he meant. "o-oh yeah,, i am—"

jared led evan up the stairs to his room, the farthest door on the left.

jared opened the door, gesturing for him to walk in.

"for you, good sir" he said in a english accent.

evan chuckled at his stupid friend and walked in.

jared walked in after him and closed the door.

evan stared at jared, with jared giving him a confused face.


"can you turn around? i need to change—"


jared and evan were lying on his bed, looking at the glow in the dark stars he has on his ceiling.

"y-you still have t-those?" evan asked, grateful the room was dark so he didn't have to hide his red face.

"yeah—" jared chuckled. "i used to be /obsessed/ with astronomy."

"i remember that. y-you used to w-want to b-be an a-astronaut so b-bad." evan replied, grinning.

"y'know, we're going ice skating tomorrow. " jared said. "i suggested it to the guys when you were using the bathroom. they're doing a tree lighting in middlebrough." (a/n : wink wink)

"sounds fun!" evan exclaimed, keeping his voice to a whisper.

"goodnight, jared."

"goodnight, evan."


a/n : so,, that was some cute filler i guess-

this book is bad i'm sorry djdjdnnd

—sincerely, emmie

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