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I turn and he stills, he looks like he's seen a ghost. Literally all the colour drains from his face. For a split second I see a smile appear on his face but it quickly slips when he sees the scowl on mine.

I take a second to look him over, the first thing my eyes are drawn to is his neck. The feather tattoo stills sits there along with the wording. I can't help but to but my hand on my rib where my tattoo lived. I look up at his face, hes as handsome as ever but he does look slimmer which I didn't think was possible. Light stubble covers his face, I do notice something that is new. A tattoo of a rose sits on his temple. I don't know how I feel about it. I have to look away I fear I've been looking at him too long, have I been staring.


"Noah" I reply coldly. I can't feel everyone's eyes on us. The room is frosty, I hate that everyone else is having to witness this interaction.

"Noah" he repeats.

"that is your name isn't it"

"you only called me Noah when you were mad. If your mad why are you here to see me"

"I'm not here to see you, and I'm not mad at you. Actually I have no feelings towards you whatsoever"

I look atound and everyone is looking any where but at us, they must feel so awkward.

"why are you here"

" I'm here to see my friends, not that it's any of your business"

"woah whys it so quiet in here"  ludo says as he walks in the room, it doesn't take long for his eyes to find ark and I.

"oh rose, what a surprise to see you here" ludo is definitely not becoming an actor once his music career is over. I hear Robbii chuckle behind me, I know he's thinking the same as me.I  smirk at his terrible acting

ark has daggers in his eyes, he looks furious . "you knew she was coming and you didn't tell me"

"surprise" he says with a big cheesy grin.

"how long have you been in contact" ark snaps. I hadn't thought how this was going to affect Ludo so I feel incredibly guilty.

"you don't owe him any answers and I don't owe him fuck all. He owes me 6 months of my life"

I didnt think I would be mad, I thought I could be around ark and just tolerate him. I'm furious, I can feel venom pulsing through my veins. I want to beat the shit out of him, I'm sure I could take him. While I'm at it id like a few rounds with his wife.

"can we talk"

"I have nothing to say to you Noah" I turn away. It's hard to look at him, I didn't think I would still be attracted to him. It's hard to look at him when I feel the familiar fire filling me.

"rose, please I've waited 2 years for this"

I can't help but to laugh, " you want to talk about waiting huh. What about me, I waited. I waited for you to become a real man. A man I could rely on. A man who I could trust. A man who wouldn't run off to drugs and strippers the moment my backs turned"..

I want to stop, I don't want to cause a scene in front of all these people but I cant hold my tongue.

"oh enough about me, how are you. How's the wife, the wedding looked really classy by the way"

I can hear a mixture of gasps and sniggering filling the room. Robbii cheers me on until Geri tells him to stop. Were really giving everyone a show. The funny thing is their his friends but they know I'm right, they know he's the villain in our story.


"dont, don't say my name like you know me. You don't know me." I'm shouting now. I ball my fists at my side, my nails dig into my skin but the pain gives me some relief.

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