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Arks POV

I need to find a new way to apologise, a thousand roses doesn't really have the same affect the second time around.

"She deserves more than a few lame flowers especially after what you did to her" Maggie is right I know she's right, she's saying what I'm thinking.

"Yeah you would be lucky if she ever speaks to you again after you treat her like a dick" Ludo agrees

"I wouldn't forgive you" mom chimes in.

"Thanks for the support you guys"

"How long are you planning to stay in London mom" I ask .

"Fed up of me already" she asks taking annoyance. When mom heard  that id seen rose she flew into the country. I can't say I was happy to see her, she's just going to interfere. Mom says she's here for support but really she's worried the stress will make me ill or make me relapse.

"Never " I lie

"I am very upset with you Ludo" mom says sternly.

"Me" he looks at me but I have no idea what he's done now.

"You told me you hadn't heard from Rose since she left, you haven't lied to me since that time I caught you smoking cigarettes in the bike shed. You've always been the honest one not like pinocchio over there" she says pointing at me.

"Mrs Bennett I've lied to you more times than your son"

Mom looks at me and raises her eyebrows, I nod but she doesn't believe her precious innocenct Ludo could possibly do anything wrong. It's been this way since we were kids, Ludo calls mom Mrs Bennett and batts his eyelashes and he gets away with murder.

"Oh yeah, tell me one thing you've lied about" she challenges.

" Can you remember when I told you Ark had an allergic reaction to the lemon shower gel you bought him well I lied"

Shit, I shake my head at him. He cannot come clean about this, he cannot tell mom this story.

"Why would you lie about that" she pushes

"He has crabs, he caught them from your friend Joyce"

Mum looks at me , she looks confused. "I don't know anyone called Joyce. Well apart from the pastors wife"

"Yeah that's the one" Ludo clarifies.

Holy shit I'm going to kill him.

Mum's eyes widen, she looks horrified.

"You fucker" I snap, ludo acts like he hasn't heard me likes his actions weren't a big deal .

"You caught crabs off the pastors wife, how is that possible"

"Didn't you think it was strange that Ark was still attending private bible studies at 17" Ludo asks.

"You had sex with Joyce"

"Just a little"

"Every Sunday for six months" ludo adds, he needs to know when to shut up. I jab at his chest , he smacks my hand away.

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