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I'm tired, my head hurts and I have to work in an hour. Going on a date with ark the night before I had a 10 hour shift at work wasn't my best idea. I clumsily change into my uniform and run some serum through my natural curls.

Ethan is already up and is eating cereal when I walk out of my room. He smiles at me brightly before he gives me a wink.

"is ark still sleeping" he cranes his neck and tries to get a look into my room.

"no he isn't there"

"he must have left early, I've been up since 6 and didn't see him"

"ark didn't sleep over"

"Rose you dirty girl, you kicked him out once you had your way with him"

"there was no sex, we kissed on the doorstep then he left"

Ethan pulls a face he's obviously disappointed in my dull version of events.

"you mean I got up early for nothing" he complains as he drops his bowl in the sink.

"just because we didn't have sex doesnt mean we didn't have a good time"

"Rose if your telling me you didn't ride that boy until his nob hurt ill be mad"

It's typical of ethan to talk that way, I don't think I recall him going on a first date that didn't end with sex. Don't get me wrong he's not a white he just doesn't believe in delayed gratification.

"were going out again next week"

"what, ludo said they were leaving London today"

"they are, I'm going to get the train up to him next Thursday"

"so I take it the date went well"

"yeah, we talked which is something we never really did before. He agreed that things have to be slow and that he had to be all in."

"that's good, so tell me more about this kiss"

"I don't kiss and tell" I reply with a smirk that mirrors ark.

Ethan follows me around the flat begging for more information, I ignore him.

I almost fly out of my seat when I see the clock turn 7. For 10 hours i have sat in the office completing purchase orders and filing paperwork. The part I hate most about managing the store is the paperwork, I prefer to be in the front with the customers.

I have a great team working with me but I notice that when I'm out on the floor they work a little harder.

"were going for drinks, are you up for it" Claudia asks as she pops her head abound the corner of my office door.

Usually I would decline but its been a long day and a bottle of wine would go down nicely.

" yeah that sounds great" I grab my bag and set the alarms.

It's a short walk to the local wine bar, I link arms with Claudia and Amy as we walk. Amy calls her boyfriend and immediately starts arguing with him, they have a very volatile relationship. I often hear them arguing when Amy's on break.

"look Joe, I don't care how nice it is were not staying in a hostel for our honeymoon"

"last of the great romantics" Claudia jokes.

"yeah I mean what's wrong with a nice hotel in Paris" I giggle.

We head into the bar and leave amy outside talking to Joe. I order a bottle of wine and 3 glasses and grab a small table by the doors.

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