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Richard hands me a cup of tea and takes the seat across from me, it's the first time I've seen him in a few months and it feels like no time has passed. We've spoken every week since we met in Vegas, we are so close that his boyfriend Lee had thought we were having an affair for a while. I was there for him when the press had found out he was gay, he had been so worried he would lose work but everyone accepted him for who he was. He was so good to me when I moved to London, he had helped me to find an apartment and even moved me out of the hotel and in with him in the meantime.

We were more like siblings than friends. When Ark had finally left my home I had looked for Ethan so I could cry on his shoulder but he was asleep on the sofa so I called Richard and he had a car at my door within an hour. Richard wasn't Arks biggest fan, they had even come to blows when they bumped into eachother at the MTV awards the year after I left LA. Richard is so gentle and mild mannered that even now I can't believe that he swung at Ark.

"He's like a dog with a bone he won't give up"

"He did last time" I sob.

"He never gave you up, come on Rose you know he loves you. I hate to admit it but I really think he does mean it" 

I'm stunned, he's actually on Arks side.

"Maybe he's changed"

I shake my head "he's not capable of change"

"I have something I need to tell you but you have to promise me that you won't be mad"

"I could never be mad at you"

"Promise me" he repeats.

"I promise"

"I think you need to give him another chance, we all do"

I choke on my tea. "We who"

"Kate, Travis and I"

"Kate and Travis know he's here, what have you been talking about this"

Richard nods "yes I called them when you said you were going to see him."

"You told me it was a bad idea , what changed"

"Travis told me he had gotten close with Ark and he really thinks things are different this time,he says life's too short to hold grudges"

"He married someone else, it's not like he forgot a date or relapsed. He cheated" why is everyone on Arks side.

"Dont let your pride stop you from taking what you want, I can see it in your face that you want him. You haven't really been happy without him, you may smile but it's a mask'

"I am happy"

"No you aren't, not really. How could you be, your separated from your soul mate. I know your strong and proud and I respect the hell out of you but if you let love as great as this go without fighting for it you will regret it for the rest of your life"


the flat is covered with roses, ethan told me that they had been delivered throughout the day. When the living room began to look like a flower shop he started to ignore the door Bell.

"I can't even get to the oven how am I  supposed to cook" I fumed.

"the bronze serves pretty good burgers" ethan replies with a shrug.

"OK let's go before I develop hay-fever"

We link arms and head towards the local bar, ethan tells me about his cat food advert. He's almost giddy, he hoped that landing this part would open more doors for him.

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