chap 24- HER SECRET

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Sanskar entered the room and found swara sitting on the couch waiting for him. His eyes were red in anger. His whole body was shivering with anger. Swara feared a little seeing him like this. She came running towards him. Sanskar looked at her like the most precious thing he possessed and someone was trying to snatch that away. He engulfed swara in a great hug which almost took the breathe out of swara's body. She composed herself and hugged him back.
Swara: what happened? Tell me
Sanskar hugged her more tightly in answer and closed his to let a tear escape from his eyes marking the end of anger.
Sanskar: i am fed up of those shekhar and janki swara. Those people and their tactics to keep me away from you... i am fed up.
Swara cupped his face and kissed him on the forehead. Sanskar looked at swara and hugged her again.
Sanskar: those silly people... those creatures.. they believe they will say anything to me about my swara and i will believe.. huh..
Swara's heart skipped a beat. Her heart almost came to her mouth. Old memories were flashing in front of her eyes.
Sanskar: you know swara.. what did they say.. that you... oh come on... that you have a child from your previous boyfriend...
He chuckled but the words fell in swara's ears like boiling water. Her heart beat raised. Her hands shivered. Her lips shivered. Her body became numb for sometime. The thing she feared the most has finally taken shape. They blurted out her secret. They did what they intended to.
Sanskar: you know what i did.. i slapped that shekhar hard and said.. my swara will never hide such a big thing from me... never.
Swara's heart broke into thousand pieces and those thousand broke into lakhs hearing sanskar's words. He loved her so much but she... she broke his trust. She did a sin. Even god can not forgive her for this sin. Her legs trembled but sanskar held her in the right time.
Sanskar: swara... what happened?
He looked at her eyes half closed. She was about to faint. Sanskar put her on thd couch. He took a glass of water and sprinkled drops of water on her eyes. Swara opened her eyes and looked at sanskar holding her hand. As soon as she opened her eyes sanskar engulfed her in a bone crushing hug.
Sanskar: calm down swara.. dont worry. Your sanskar will never believe on such things. I know my swara. I know your soul is pure. You are my life swara.. the most beautiful thing that happened to me. Dont worry.. i will not believe on such things.
Swara's heart was being stabbed by sanskar's love now. Her soul was screaming at her. She was speechless. She was just looking at sanskar. She did not want to lose sanskar's love. But she did not want to hide reality from him. She cupped his face. Sanskar smiled and kissed her palm
Sanskar: i am the luckiest person on this earth right now. I love you so much swara.
Swara said nothing. She just stared at sanskar with a guilt in her eyes.
Sanskar: what happenef swara?
He sensed something wrong. He found an unknown emotion in swara's eyes.
Sanskar: swara...
Swara lowered her gaze.
Sanskar: dont worry swara... i dont trust those creatures.. even if god will also say this thing i wont belive. I trust you with all my life..
A tear escaped from swara's eyes. She took a deep breathe and looked at sanskar. She had two ways now.. to keep sanskar in dark or to tell him the reality. She chose the second.
Swara: san...sanskar... i dont deserve your trust.
Sanskar cupped her face and looked at her.
Sanskar: shhhh... you deserve everything.. shh
Swara looked at him again and held his palm in hers.
Swara: sanskar.. they are right...
Sanskar: shut up swara...
Swara: sanskar they are right........
She suddenly felt his hand slipping from hers. She looked at his face which was blank.
Swara: sanskar...
She cupped his face and made him look at her.
Swara: i was about to tell you this...
Sanskar held her hand and made them away from his face. Tears rolled down from her eyes. She saw sanskar's blank face staring at her. He stood up and turned around. He did not utter a word before leaving the room.

Swara fell on the floor crying hard. Her heart was shattered now. She wanted to tell this to sanskar by herself. But see the plan of destiny. She was crying her heart out. But she knew she had broken the trust of someone who is a pure soul. She deserved this.

Sanskar went to the terrace. He did not know why god turned his life upside down so suddenly. Tears rolled from his eyes. His eyes were not ready to stop shedding the tears. He could see the image of swara even in stars. He wanted to scold swara, to punish swara, but with what right? She did not consider him anything in her life. And with this his every right over swara ended. His relation with her ended. His trust on her ended. But alongside this his happiness and smile was also ended. His everything was ended. Had there been not laksh and mom dad, he knew he would have ended his life right now.

After what seemed about 2 hrs, sanskar stood up and stepped towards his room. He entered the room and saw swara sitting in a corner with her face burried in her lap.
Sanskar: swara?
Swara stared at him.
Sanskar: i want to ask you one thing. Please keep everything normal in front of everyone. I dont want to hurt anyone.
Swara: hmm
He took his pillow and kept on the couch. He took the duvet and was about to keep that on the couch when swara held his hand.
Swara: sanskar... punish me... scold me.. but dont do this....
Sanskar gave her a faint smile.
Sanskar: with what right swara?
Swara: husband..
Sanskar smiled again
Sanskar: from now onwards.. i take away my all rights from you.
Swara felt as if something broke inside her soul.
Sanskar: i dont consider you as my anything. For the sake of society we are living like this. But you are free swara to choose anyone you like.
Swara looked at sanskar with tears in her eyes. His eyes were also saying the same story.
Swara: please dont do this. Please... i beg you..
Sanskar: dont swara...
Saying so he lie down on bed and covered his face with duvet.
Swara stood up with tears in her eyes. She could sense sanskar too was sobbing. She turned but suddenly stopped by sanskar's voice.
Sanskar: swara...
Swara felt a ray of hope in her heart.
Swara: ji
Sanskar: please turn off the lights...
The ray was again engulfed by darkness.

Swasan shifted to kolkata

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