chap 14- will he ever be happy again

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Days passed like this. Everyday was a blessing for swasan. Their closeness was increasing day by day. They were loving each other more day by day. Sanskar's touch always made swara shiver with love. His gaze always pierced the deepest part of our soul.

After 10 days
Sanskar came back to hospital. As soon as he reached his cabin he found it filled with bouquets. Students and staff were standing in front of him with smile on their faces.
Students: welcome back sir!
Sanskar greeted everyone with smile. His dignity was back. His grace was back. He thanked everyone. His heart was knowing it was all due to swara. His eyes searched for swara. She was standing in a corner smiling with all her heart. Dr reena, one of the senior doctors of hospital understood his gaze.
Dr reena: if dr sanskar is standing with his face high in front of us, it is all due to dr swara.
Swara was not ready for this. Before she could do anything students brought her in front and started to clap for her.
A student asked her innocently.
Student: mam... why you did so much for sir?
Swara looked at sanskar and found him blushing. His cheeks were flushed. Swara's cheeks too flushed.
Dr reena: i suppose we got another couple here.
After everyone went out sanskar sat on his chair. He was feeling quite energetic today. Suddenly his cabin's gate opened and swara entered.
Swara: forgot to give you medicines.
He looked at her and gulped the medicine in one go.
Swara: good... now sir please tell me where do i have to go now. My duty...
Sanskar: swara... sachhi... i dont want you to stay away from my eyes today. I dont know why....
Swara leaned over him and smiled.
Swara: sir... after 6 pm pakka... but this ia not the time as well as place to romance na....
Sanskar smiled.
Sanskar: go to emergency... karo kam aaj...
Swara smiled. She began to move. Suddenly sanskar started to feel a sinking sensation in his heart. He suddenly felt a great urge to sto her from going anywhere. He had never felt the same fr her. He felt as if someone will snatch her from him forever.
Sanskar: swara wait... dont go to emergency today. Let me handle work there.
Swara turned and gave an astonished smile.
Swara: and what will i do?
Sanskar: ipd...
Swara came near sanskar staring directly at him.
Swara: is everything fine?
Sanskar looked at swara as if he wanted to say something.
Sanskar: you won't leave me na....ever?
Swara held his hand tightly.
Swara: if i ll try to leave you... won't you stop me?
Sanskar hugged her tightly.
Sanskar: yes.....

The day was quite hectic for sanskar. There were lots of cases in the casuality. It was near evening. Sanskar just got free from resuccitating an old lady when a mob entered. They had a teen girl with them whose wrist was bleeding. She was unconscious. Sanskar took her in immediately. This was clearly a case of attempt to suicide by slitting off wrist. Her heartbeat was sinking. Sanskar was trying to save her. Lots of blood loss was there. Sanskar looked at the mob standing out. They were clearly some rowdy people. He then proceed to treat the patient. Suddenly her heart beat started to raise. And the fell drastically. Before sanskar could do anything her pulse stopped. She died.
Sanskar felt a deep regret building up in his heart. She was just 16 year old. Before she could see the world she bid goodbye. But anyhow he knew he had to deliver the news to het relatives. He came out. A man who was looking like her father came.
Sanskar: i am sorry. We failed to save her.
Before he was ready the man tightly slapped him across his face. Sanskar , though was not ready for this composed himself.
Sanskar: there was lots of blood loss....
Before he could complete the sentence he found himself surrounded by people.
Man: you killed my daughter... we will not leave you.
Sanskar: sir... i didnt... you came a bit late.
Suddenly he grabbed sanskar's arms. Sanskar looked at the mob. It was around 150 people.
Sanskar: try to understand..
Mob had blocked the way of everyone who tried to intervene. A fear was engulfing sanskar's mind. But suddenly he heard a voice. Before he could look he found swara standing in front of him and mob.
Swara: sir... please try to understand. Not everything is in doctor's hand.
Man: madame... dont teach us. This man has killed my daughter.
Swara: why would he kill your daughter to ruin his own reputation.
Man: i dont know anything. I know one thing that he has killed my daughter. I will not leave him.
Saying so he again tried to slap sanskar but swara held his hand in middle.
Swara: then go and file case in court. Yaha tamasha mat karo.
Sanskar who was being held by two goons looked at swara. The lioness inside her was first time visible to him.
Sanskar: swara go... they may harm you too...
Swara: i wont sir...
The men were looking at them.
Man: ok... i will not kill your dr sanskar. But he has to pay. Now dr sanskar will see how does it feel to lose someone close. How does it feel to lose your friend dr sanskar.
Sanskar's eyes widened. The next moment swara was pulled by them.
Sanskar: no... swara... no..
His heart sank at the very moment. He tried to free himself of the grip of goons but it was vain. On the other hand swara's hands were being tightly held by other goons.
Man: my daughter died of slitting wrist na... lets see if she dies by it or not...
Saying so the man started moving towards swara.
Swara: no....
Her eyes had the fear. She looked at sanskar. Her eyes were demanding to be saved.
Sanskar: no.... please no... i am your guilty... please leave her....
Man's eyes burned with rage. He looked at swara who was unable to say a word. Her voice was choked due to fear. Man forcefully took her hand. He placed knife on her wrist.
Sanskar: no....
Suddenly blood drops spilled on swara's face. Her wrist was slitted by the goon.
Sanskar: leave her..... please... i beg you...
But suddenly the man took her another hand.
Man: noways ...
He slitted her another wrist too. Swara's face was clearly indicating the pain. Sanskar was trying too hard to escape. The staff was looking helplessly. Swara was not able to keep her balance on her feet. She fell down on the floor. Her eyes had tears. She looked at sanskar. Her blood was all over the floor reaching sanskar's shoes by now. She tried to reach to sanskar but her eyes closed. Man left sanskar.
Man: now you will feel the pain....
Saying so he took the dead body of her daughter and stormed out of the hospital. Sanskar reached to swara at once. She was lying on the floor with her eyes closed. Sanskar felt his heart sinking. He felt as if his most precious thing is trying ti go away from him.
Sanskar: swara... open your eyes...
Swara tried to open her eyes. She looked at sanskar. A drop of tear escaped from her eyes. She again closed her eyes. Sanskar took her inside the ward with the speed of light. Other doctors were also inside the room. Treatment started. Sanskar saw the nurse trying to put canula on swara's wrist. Injections were being given to her. This all was unbearable to see for sanskar. Though he does this on daily basis...but for loved ones.. a doctor is a human too. Suddenly he felt a hand over his shoulder. Laksh was standing beside him.
Laksh: come outside... you should not see her like this.
Sanskar nodded. He turned to leave the ward when suddenly he felt a hussle. He turned to find the pulse fallen being shown on monitor. Next moment ecg line became flat. Sanskar's hear gave a jolt.

Sanskar crying for swara...

swasan... i do... (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now