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This is only a re upload story so many errors and things that doesn't make sense but still enjoy

Warning full of cringe

It's a new day for Nathalie she woke up in her apartment she got up and took a shower then put on her everyday clothes she took her things then went out she went to the elevator then realize it was broken so she went to the staircase she didn't have a choice she was on the 7th floor she came down then when she was on the 2nd floor she fell all the day to the first

To start off the morning I fell down a staircase just my luck said Nathalie

She got her things tidy up then went outside she realize it was raining and she can't get back to her room cause it was at the 7th floor and she will be late she ran through her car and got then she was now driving then another problem came in there was traffic on the road cause someone got akumatize 5 minutes later she was on the agreste mansion she was 5 minutes late she arrived then saw Adrien and gorilla waiting for her

Nathalie what happened why where you late you were never late even in were seconds said Adrien

Sorry Adrien I have some issues I need to take care of come on your going to be late


Then later the boy was now on school Nathalie was on her desk working then she got a call from Audrey

Hello this is Nathalie what can I do for you?

Hi yes I need to talk to Gabriel said Audrey

Then she realize Gabriel was doing his 'HAWKMOTH' business so she said

I'm sorry Mr agreste is very busy at the moment but please tell me what your need and I will tell him when his done with his business

What?!?! Did you not hear me I said I want to talk to him this is important matters so don't talk to me like you are the boss here

Ms please calm dow----

CALM DOWN?!?! Do you know who I am I am Audrey bourgeois the queen of fashion and I will not lower myself to some slut of bitch like you so give me to Gabriel now!!

Then Gabriel went out of his lair

Sir Mrs Bourgeois is on the phone said Nathalie

Give me the phone

Then the two started talking over the phone Then Audrey said awful stuff about her inside she wanted to cry so much but she didn't she had to stay strong

Mr agreste i will be leaving now I need to pick up Adrien said Nathalie

Go ahead said Gabriel

Then she left the mansion and got to his school she saw Adrien was with Lila and Chloe

Adrien we need to go said Nathalie

Ok Nathalie said adrien

Why would you listen to her she's just your father's assistant said Lila

Yeah and she's just a Nobody like my mother always say said Chloe

Come on Adrien said Nathalie


Then they went home Adrien went to his room and she got back at her desk later Gabriel was shouting at her cause she made one wrong mistake at the email she send to him then he said to leave she did what he said then she went to Adrien

Nathalie can you help me?

What do you need?

Well I promise my friends that I'll go get ice cream with them can you cover for me

I'm sorry Adrien but I can't i---


Adrien I---


Then the boy slammed his door she couldn't help it anymore she cried everything has gone wrong today she got her things then went out of the mansion she went to a store then bought some Cutter. And scissors then went back to her apartment

Meanwhile at the mansion Adrien decided to go and apologize to Nathalie he just over reacted Gabriel was going to do the same to her then the two bumped



Where's Nathalie Ask at the same time

I thought you knew said again at the same time.

I thought she was talking your office said Adrien

I thought she was at your room said Gabriel

Did you try calling her father?

No I'll try

He called her and Nathalie answered

Nathalie where are you? Ask Gabriel

There was just crying sound

Nathalie Ask Adrien

I'm done goodbye said in the phone

Nathalie?!?!?! Yelled both

....World said Nathalie Then she hung up

Father she's going to kill herself I shouldn't have yelled at her it's all my fault said Adrien

No Adrien I'm yelled at her too we need to stop her but where is she? Ask Gabriel

Maybe in her apartment? Said Adrien

Good idea. Let's go

The two rushed out of the mansion and drive off

Meanwhile at Nathalie she had everything sharp around her there was also a rope hanging she already cut herself in her arm she grabbed the knife then the front door opened it was Adrien and Gabriel They both rushed to her and removed all the sharp things she was crying a lot

Nathalie why would you do that said Adrien while crying

I can't....i don't want to live anymore...

Nathalie I'm sorry said Gabriel

Me too I'm so sorry said Adrien

Were always here for you, you can tell us anything said Gabriel then he kissed her forehead then the three shared a long hug


It's been a weak since what happened the two decided Nathalie should move in with them first Nathalie decided it was a bad idea but the two kept annoying her so in the end she agreed
She was working when suddenly Gabriel went to her and have her flowers

What's the occasion for flowers?

Nothing I just bought them for you to remind you that I'm always here for you I love you Nath

What did you say? Ask Nathalie

Did you even listen to me? Ask Gabriel

Yes said Nathalie

Then what did I say ask Gabriel

The what did I say? Said Nathalie

Before that said Gabriel

Before what? Ask Nathalie

What did I just say said Gabriel?

Before that said Nathalie

No I mean forget it said Gabriel

I'm just messing with you I love you too

Then the two shared a kiss

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