Chapter 1

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First day of school at JYP High School.

Numerous of new students and old students crowded the hallways after their entrance ceremony. Chatting and laughing, meeting new friends and creating circles.

And most importantly for the male students, checking out the female students.

Male student: "Whoa there's so many cute girls over here!"

Male student: "Wow! I'm so glad I enrolled at this school!"

Male student: "Hey that's a cute one! Let's introduce ourselves!"

As the students went to introduce each other, they immediately stopped as they saw someone walking at the center.

There came walking, Myoui Mina, as the boys were stunned by her visuals. As they continue to eye her, a glittering light and flowers appeared on her background, making her more beautiful and the boys blushing, even the girls who was mesmerized by her beauty.

Male student: "Hey, wanna talk to her?"

Male student: "No way man! It's too embarrassing!"

Majority of the students wanted to introduce themselves to her, but alas, they were too shy.

Sana: "Haa... these senpais sure do talk a lot huh?"

Sana is one of Mina's best friend and childhood friend. Both of them went together from pre-school until now.

Sana: "Speaking of which..."

Sana looked around them, eyeing everyone who's looking at them. Mostly boys.

Sana: "Mina, you really do attract a lot of attention. Unnecessary ones tho. They're all gathering around you."

Sana looked at Mina who's looking down. Knowing her fully, she understood Mina.

Sana: "C'mon Mina. Just hold on to me."

As the two girls kept walking, they met their parents talking with each other at the garden. The two walked to them and greeted them. Mina's mom congratulated her daughter. She knows about her daughter's quiet behaviour, but she hopes for her daughter to have fun and to enjoy her youth.

The two girls then continued walking through the hallways filled with students talking to each other. As they walk on their way to their classroom, every boy never took off their eyes and attention on Mina, as their eyes followed her walking with flowers trailing behind her. Of course this is just an illusion and it's not true.

As the two girls continued their walk, they didn't failed to caught the attention of every other male. Mina looked up and made eye-contact with a boy. The boy kept a poker face and looked away, showing no emotion on the girl. Mina then continued walking as he heard the voices the boy and his friend.

???: "Hey! I just made eye-contact with her!"

???: "Good for you then."

???: "The instant our eyes met, I was so happy! Look, she's in the class next door!"

???: "Just shut up, Taehyung."

???: "You wouldn't understand Jimin! That kind of event won't happen again! That's because she's the Flower at the Peak!"

???: "C'mon just go inside. Classes are about to start."

Class 1-A. The class where Mina and Sana is. The both of them sat at their seats, Sana at the back and Mina in front of her.

Flower at the Peak | JiMina (AU)Where stories live. Discover now